4 thoughts on “Darth Vader Nominated For Supreme Court

  1. I’m disappointed! I was rooting for Vlad Dracula!

    Response: The metaphor might be even more apt for the vampire of vampires, but I still like the Darth/empire combo. Draculya (or Vlad the Impaler) is too… um.. literal? This way, the criticism holds more humor.

  2. Gracias a los que me avalan, pero prefiero a Osama, con el en el tribunas supremo incluso los evangelistas querrían acabar con el sistema. No hay nada peor que un musulman convencido

  3. And Vlad the Impaler makes an appearance from Amsterdam!

    Gracias, Lord Draculya.

    If my rusty Spanish is still good enough, I think you’re saying something like “Thanks for the compliment, but I prefer even this to Osama, as he and his supreme tribunes include the evangelists who want to finish off the whole system. There is nothing worse than a convinced (fanatical?) Muslim.”

    If that is (roughly) a fair translation, I would only say that the extreme fanatics are to be found in more than one religion.

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