Who will the US invade next?

Who will the US invade next?

So – in your opinion which country will be the next one to be invaded by the US?

Will it be an on the ground attack? Air only? Nukes? Or just a corporate takeover?

I’m thinking Syria, possibly Iran?

In advance, now:
What will be the reasons given to the American people to justify another illegal war?
What will be the secret reasons (given Iraq, I think we are probably somewhat safe in thinking they won’t be identical)?

Discuss among yourselves. Answer as little or as much as you please, but please keep it civil. All comments are moderated.

4 thoughts on “Who will the US invade next?

  1. 1) we will follow a lead into syria giving us an excuse to use air-strikes on “selected” targets. (under 2 months)
    2) it has been considered that Iran will provide an excellent opportunity to use “bunker busting” tactical nukes. (before georgie leaves office)

    All my love,

    Deep Throat.

  2. Well, it’s probably a country with oil and if it’s on the ‘evel axe’ of Bush, but then again I guess it’s easy for Bush and his people to include a country on the evil list if needed..

    I do something wonder if Norway should be worry about USA – I mean, – we do have oil, – and doesn’t seem that hard to invade, – small, lot of costline..

    And there’s a guy called Mullah Krekar living here, who’s claimed to be some kind of small terrorist group leader (I’m not sure if anyone has been able to prove it), and we have tried to exspell the guy for the last 4 years, – but he has a good lawyer. So it wouldn’t be that hard to claim that we have hiding or protecting this guy, I guess.

    And there the new administration of Norway are not that happy about US war in Iraq, and probably is going take all Norwegian Soldiers home. And since Bush thinks the world is black/white, and said things like ‘If your not with us, your against us’ so if we don’t support the war in Iraq, we’re a bunch of terrorists..

    But maybe we are protected by NATO and UN, – and being democratic and all..

    I’ll stop rambeling now.. But sometimes Bush worries me a lot..

  3. I think Syria is the obvious choice, because much like Iraq, they have no capacity to fight back. Iran, on the other hand, just might have nukes, and just might manage to inflict heavy damage upon U.S. military resources and U.S. holdings worldwide. The bullies tend not to pick on the kids who can fight back.

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