2000 US Dead in Iraq
The number of reported U.S. military casualties in Iraq has reached 2000.
Not one more day, not one more dollar, not one more life. Wage Peace.
Join or organize an event in your community to honor the dead and call for the troops to come home.
American Friends Service Committe, Cosponsored by
Gold Star Families for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Military Families Speak Out
One thought on “2000 US Dead in Iraq”
You might be interested in an entry posted on the Ruminations on America Project (www.ruminationsonamerica.blogspot.com) about a book called Thou Shalt Not Kill Unless Otherwise Instructed by Mike Sharpe.
http://ruminationsonamerica.blogspot.com/2005/10/thou-shalt-not-kill.html This is the permanent link in case you’d like to forward it to other interested parties.
I would also like to invite you to participate in the Ruminations on America Project if you are so inclined. It is a call for essays from coast to coast on the current state of the union, up to 1000 words. Any and all subjects, respectfully crafted, are fair game.
All the best to you,
Rita J. King