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Leaning Green – the Color Green

Leaning Green – the Color Green

I’m attracted to the color green today, probably out of some kind of perverse resistance to autumn.

It’s depressing. There are no vivid reds or oranges in the treetops; the leaves are mostly just dying and falling down.

Green is an antidote. Some shades of green are so vibrant and beautiful that I can lose myself in them.

Are you affected by colors? If so, have you noticed any seasonal variations in your preferences?

You Are Having a Green Day

You are approaching today with a good deal of balance and awareness.
If you didn’t pay attention, today could be like any old day. Nothing too exciting is going on. But for you, today all about making the most of each moment. You are seeing the beauty in every situation, and you’re keeping your mind open to possibilities.

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you. Inside, you are very emotional and moody – though you don’t let it show. People usually have a strong reaction to you… profound love or deep hate. But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There’s something naturally harmonious about you.

Your Kiss is Green

Your kisses are short and sweet – at least at first. You tend to be a cautious kisser. You don’t want to scare anyone off. Once you get to know someone, your kisses are daring… and even wild.
No matter what the situation is, you know how to deliver the perfect kiss.

Kissing Type: Varied

People See Your Kisses as: Skillful
You Kiss Best With: A Blue Kisser
Stay away from: A Black Kisser

What Your Favorite Color Green Says About You:

Balanced — Relaxed — Flexible
Compassionate — Philosophical — Humble
Loyal — Inventive — Unique

The First Presidential Debate

The First Presidential Debate

I had signed up to rate the debates at “Rate the Debates,” because it was billed as getting a jump on the pundits. I was hoping that this would serve as a pulsepoint. I’m disappointed that the survey was more about the moderator’s performance than the substance of the debate itself.

Overall, I thought both candidates did fairly well. They both got angry, but held their tempers. They both looked a little silly smiling when they were hearing digs aimed at them.

Neither one of them adequately addressed the economic issues, but I guess that’s really for a later debate. As a matter of national security, they covered the basics. I thought some of the discussion about foreign relations was the most interesting part of the debate.

I would have liked to have seen them both actually debate a little more rather than just responding – but Lehrer tried his best to encourage that (and he was a good and fair moderator). It’s a matter of the format, I think.

Oh – and I can’t wait to hear from that old battleaxe Dr. Kissinger. He must be pleased that he’s still so important despite his many crimes.

Here are a few things that made me halt: “wait, hold on a second there, stop the train.”


1) He kept saying that Barack Obama “just didn’t understand” – didn’t understand how to deal with foreign leaders, didn’t understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy, etc. etc. – all with a slightly pitying look and a sorrowful shake of the head. I didn’t count how many times he said or implied it, but this mannerism ran through the whole debate. I can understand how he would try to use the “elder statesman” role to his advantage, but I don’t think this worked. I kept wondering when he was going to complain about those damn kids next door. It didn’t make him look wise, just old. It was pretty clear that Obama did understand – better than McCain in many cases – and I think he was on weak ground with that attempt.

2) He called for the consolidation of regulatory agencies. What, like Homeland Security? Or so that conflicts of interest can become involved in a power monopoly? It’s not enough that the agencies are riddled already?

3) The invocation of a spending freeze was not wise, and the way he described the way he would handle cuts sounded a bit disastrous to me.

4) He called for 45 nuclear power plants. Not good.

5) He noted – twice – that he was not elected “Miss Congeniality” of the Senate. That’s not a good image for him to invoke. Ick.

6) He seemed to think that if we had trained interrogators, they wouldn’t torture. The documentation that I’ve seen about the history of torture techniques during this administration doesn’t suggest to me that training was the only, or the most important, issue.

7) I think he really tried too hard to pull on the heartstrings. It came off as hammy and undermined what I think really might be his authentic feelings on some issues.


1) He didn’t mention nuclear power in the first set of remarks on energy, but then later he did add “and yes, nuclear power.” Sigh. I just don’t like the dangers of nuclear energy and its byproducts.

2) I thought he made good points about our standing in the world, but I’m not sure about the way he characterized 20th-century vs. 21st-century governments. He could have reframed some of the discourse about why America isn’t trusted within a more robust terminology.

3) I thought that he let too many things “go.” I could see where he needed to focus on the things of core importance, but he was almost too reasonable. I wanted to see some of his fire and air, and he was in water and earth mode.

4) I thought he overemphasized the word “investment.” I agree with the ideas, but it’s not a word anyone wants to hear right now.

5) That whole thing with the bracelet was too much. “I have a bracelet too, and THIS mother said…” I know I’m jaded, but I don’t want to see two grown men talking about military deaths in terms of bracelets. Really, give me a break. I expected that sort of ooze-fest from McCain, but Obama disappointed me on that one.

The whole thing was fascinating, but I hope they both polish up for the next go-round.

Quibblo Quizzes

Quibblo Quizzes

Found a new viral quiz center. The creators and users seem very young, and I sincerely hope that explains the rampant mis-spellings. Not to quibble, but even granting leeway for the slang, it’s depressingly sub-literate.

Educators -> fail.

Love this cat image, though.

Personality Type Quiz

Intellectual Personality Type

Intellectual Personality Type quiz
You’re really smart, obviously, but you’re more book smart than street smart. You like reading, watch the news, and love discussing whatever is going on in the world. You enjoy being around people who challenge you intellectually.

Twilight: Are you a Vampire or Werewolf
Vampire quiz

You are a attractive, strong, and immortal vampire. You are stubborn and protective. You do not let most things cross you and walk away in one piece. Though you know your limits on things.

Your Vampire Name (Girls)

Maeve "intoxicating"

You enjoy anything that deals with the arts or history. Your intelligent, wise, and you have the rare gift of balancing your emotions and your mind. You are a very aloof and secretive person and you have a hard time trusting others. Those who are lucky enough to be your friend are considered worthy of your trust and they are very few. But once you do open up you are a self-sacrificing friend. Men adore you for your originality, intellegence & independence and they love a good mystery.

What do the hogwarts students say about you? Girls only!


Harry: She's really smart! and she's pretty! (I think she's smarter than Hermione!)
Ron: That hot chick who's a brainiac?? she's awesome! (and hot)
Hermione: HARRY!!!! I heard that!!!
Neville: she helps me out with school work. She's pretty too!
Weasley twins: She never falls into the pranks! she's too smart!
Luna: She's a believer of the crumplehorned snorckacks!
Malfoy: The hot nerd? She'd be best in my house if she wasn't so dang nice.
Pansy: Gross! what a nerd!
Voldemort: If she was a slytherin like me, she'd be sooooo awesome. But since she's not, she's like soooo nerdy and geeky! that's right. I went there.

Blog Quizzes

Blog Quizzes

It’s been a while since I did some of these. Just as fun – and a bit inaccurate – as always.

You See the World Through Blue Colored Glasses

You live your life with tranquility. You have faith that things will work themselves out with time.
You judge all your interactions through the lens of hope. You try to get all the facts before forming your opinion.

You face challenges with wisdom. You know that all bad things pass, and you have the confidence to see problems through.
You see love as the utmost expression of trust. Your relationships tend to be peaceful and stable.

At your worst, you can be cool, melancholy, and detached. You sometimes have to step back from emotionally charged situations.
You are at your happiest when you are able to reflect and relax.

If you really want a treat, get yourself some rose-colored glasses. The world really does look better. My current sunglasses are amber. My old rose mirrorshades are too scratched up to wear anymore, and I haven’t found a new pair that was the right color and the right price…

You Are 40% Extrovert, 60% Introvert

You’re a bit outgoing, a bit reserved
Like most people, you enjoy being social
But you also value the time you have alone
You have struck a good balance!

Hmmm… that actually seems about right. I’m not sure that it’s so much a balance as a situational flexibility. The extroverted side feels a bit less natural to me – a little over-energetic – and I can’t sustain it over long periods of time. I sink into a very comfortable groove when I’m alone – daydreaming, reading, listening to music, writing, observing, thinking, questioning… That’s my center.

Never Date a Virgo

Demanding, picky, and a total perfectionist – there’s no way you want to live up to Virgo’s standards.
It’s not that you couldn’t please a Virgo… you would just hate yourself for doing it.

Instead try dating: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, or Aries

So noted (My husband is a Libra).

Where's your dream home?

You might like to live in the mountains! With the cooler temperatures, and nature all around you.

Absolutely! But as long as we’re fantasizing about that, I’d also want some sort of personal flyer or hovercraft. Driving on mountain roads can get to be a bit tedious after a while.

You Are Not Destined to Rule the World

You are destined for something else…
Like inventing a new type of cupcake.
You just don’t have the stomach for brutality.
But watch out – because many people do!

Not destined to rule the world? Darn. Because I’m not brutal enough? And here I was thinking that it was the lack of meekness thing.

You Are A Lily

You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.

Nurturer? I’m not liking the way this is going. First cupcake inventress, now this. It’s true that I’m very good to have around in a crisis, but I don’t really think that “soothing” is the first adjective that would come to mind…

So here are some about how the various places I’ve lived might continue to have an influence – or not:

You Are 52% Massachusetts

You’re likely a Massachusetts transplant. Big rotaries still scare you, and you probably live outside of 495.

Yes. Big rotaries scare me, but being born in Massachusetts and living there for more than 20 years didn’t change that. And yes, I think every place I ever lived was outside 495.

You have 43% Iowa in you!


Hey, not bad. You enjoy a little bit of the rural life. Next time you’re in the midwest check Iowa out. It’s not so bad.

Do you have Iowa in you?
Take More Quizzes

Iowa City wasn’t really so much about the rural life. The quiz didn’t even ask about the Amana Colonies! The best question was about the festival that is held in Pella; I was really, really tempted to select “Window” festival…

How French are You?

You got 127 points. You’ve finally lived long enough in France for other people to notice your existence!

Sure, NOW! Actually, I would move to Paris in a heartbeat if I could make a living there. I miss it.

You Are 32% California

You’re not from California – don’t try to game this quiz!

Ok, I’m not really sure that a summer near UCLA really counts… but it was fun.


Your Result: IMMIGRATE


Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I’ve been here in Georgia since 1992. Most Georgians still place me in the “damn Yankee” category, but Atlanta is a little bit different. There are people from all over the world living in Atlanta. I’ve tried to understand the heritage and history, but I would have to say “not really” on the pride. The weather is great, and I’ve met some wonderful people here, but it’s a tough place for me to live in many ways.

You Are Pinot Noir

Sophisticated and worldly, you probably know more about wine than most drinkers.
You have great taste, and you approach all aspects of life with a gourmet attitude.
You believe that the little things in life should be cherished and enjoyed… and of the best quality possible.
And while you may take more time to eat a meal or tour a city, it’s always time well spent.

Deep down you are: A seductive charmer

Your partying style: Refined. And you would never call it “partying”

Your company is enjoyed best with: Stinky expensive cheese

Stinky expensive cheese? Gah!

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

“What we know is not much. What we don’t know is enormous.”

Your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Lady Fortune the Absurd of Greater Internetshire presents – Your very own eccentric British aristocratic title:

For my real name:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Entirely Miss Reverend Lady Heidi the Abrupt of Withering Glance
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

For my internet name:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Virushead the Gnomic of Lardle St Earache
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For a couple of my aliases:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Grace Lady Melody the Decent of Divine Intervention
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My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Reverend Countess Faelily the Blossoming of Mousehole by Sea
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