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Recent Posts in My Blogosphere

Recent Posts in My Blogosphere

I haven’t done a roundup in a while. For each blog (alpha-order) I’ve selected my favorite among recent posts.

I hope that you find a few interesting things to read here, but I remember now why I don’t do this very often. (smile)

VirusHead is Totally Fabulous

VirusHead is Totally Fabulous

I’m totally fabulous, and I’ve got the proof.

Beverly at Makanani gave me the “I’m Fabulous” award.

Totally Fabulous Blogger Award - VirusHead

And to these fabulous women I pass on the honor, because they never fail to make my day and I think they’re all amazing women.

Thank you so much! I am very honored, and despite my words below (which you probably shouldn’t read) I know exactly what you mean and I love you dearly. (Happy Birthday!)

I have some ideas about why my friend (“LoveBevvy” – hugs) might think I’m fabulous, but totally fabulous? I’m not sure.

I don’t think anyone has thought of me as just plain fabulous before, never mind totally so. Fab, yes – maybe. Fabulous, not so much – no.

Honestly, I’m not sure who I could feel totally comfortable with naming as my totally fabulous choices. I’m not even sure I could say “totally fabulous” without laughing. It would have to be in a kind of performative way, like I might say “it’s like BUD-da (butter).”

But no. I’m just not someone who could credibly use that phrase.

I also don’t which of my admired bloggers would be completely ok about being named as my choices for “totally fabulous.” It might be all right, and then again it might not. It depends on their own personal associations, history, and coolness factor.

I myself have noticed that this President uses the word “fabulous” more often than other Presidents did. I’m just saying.

So how about this… If you know that I like you, and also that I like your blog, and you are completely all right with the idea of being known as “totally fabulous,” then just consider yourself a recipient and save the graphic. Feel free, really – I’ll back you up.

And now for a word from the sponsor: The Totally Fabulous Award for Bloggers was created by Christy from Christy’s Coffee Break and Ann from A Nice Place in the Sun. The graphic was designed by Mike Wheeler.

Hope you guys get lots of traffic.

Mike Gravel is my top choice?

Mike Gravel is my top choice?

My friend Nicolae sent me a link to this Candidate Selector at VAJoe.

The results were a little surprising. Comment if you find other tools like this. I’d like to compare.

Your Top Match
Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) 95.00% match
You are number 1,172,008 to use the Candidate Calculator.

Your Other Top Matches
Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) – 90.00%
Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) – 90.00%
Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) – 85.00%

Middle of the Pack
Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) – 80.00%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) – 80.00%
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) – 75.00%
Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) – 75.00%
Businessman John Cox (R) – 50.00%
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) – 45.00%
Texas Representative Ron Paul (R) – 40.00%
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) – 35.00%
Arizona Senator John McCain (R) – 20.00%
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) – 20.00%

Bottom of the Barrel
Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) – 20.00%
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (R) – 15.00%
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) – 15.00%

California Representative Duncan Hunter (R) – 5.00%

VirusHead is a Break Out Blogger

VirusHead is a Break Out Blogger

I was checking my stats this morning and discovered that I had been granted an award by Lin at Telling it Like it Is.

The Break Out Blogger award was developed by Bob of Bobbarama:

This award casts a spotlight on bloggers who are just beginning to draw lots of attention — the equivalent of a song with a bullet on Billboard’s Top 100 chart. Lotsa good posts. Lotsa good buzz. These bloggers are going places in a hurry.

Thank you so much, Lin!

I will now pass on this award to Heidi at VirusHead for all her hard work, Phillip at Your Relevant, and Rocky at Blogging Mix. All three of you work very hard and it shows.

The two other blogs are worth a visit (or three…).

Here are three blogs that I think deserve this award: