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Category: Geeky Tech Science

U.S. Spy Satellite Out of Control

U.S. Spy Satellite Out of Control

A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. It was not clear how long ago the satellite lost power, or under what circumstances.

Most likely it would break up on re-entry, right?

Such an uncontrolled re-entry could risk exposure of U.S. secrets, said John Pike, a defense and intelligence expert. Spy satellites typically are disposed of through a controlled re-entry into the ocean so that no one else can access the spacecraft, he said.

If it’s out of control, how could they have a “controlled re-entry”?

My Ninja Army

My Ninja Army

I have a new “zone-out” activity. I crank my iPod and play Pirates vs. Ninjas on Facebook. It’s a simple virtual dice game, on which you wager a specific amount of “gold” per play. You can attack individuals on the other side, and you defend against them too.

After accumulating over a thousand plays as a Pirate (I told you I used it to zone out), I had gained and lost an enormous amount of gold. Someone with a lot more gold can wager up to half my amount, and take it all in a couple of big bites – and this happens a lot.

I had no idea about the background story when I accepted the invitation to play. When you attack, you can send a brief message, and after a few volleys of this sort with a very sweet woman, I decided that I was really more of a Ninja than a Pirate. You can only switch once (and I didn’t realize that you lose your experience points when you do) but evidently the new affiliation agrees with me. Since I switched sides two days ago, I’ve accumulated almost 4000 pieces of gold and only dropped by a couple of hundred points a couple of times.

If you add me as a friend, be prepared to get invitations to vampires, zombies, werewolves and slayers too. I love these little games, and I get points just for inviting you. No worries if you don’t feel like playing.

Earth over the Moon

Earth over the Moon

Earthrise and Earthset over the Moon – wow.

These high definition pictures were released November 12, 2007 by the Japanese space agency JAXA.

The images were taken by the SELENE probe as it orbited the Moon at a distance of about 62 miles (100 km). These are the world’s first HD images of the Earth – from about 235,000 miles (380,000 km) away in space.

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″][/youtube]
(Thanks to Sharon Puett)

(Ok, I really don’t like that song anymore. I find it incredibly sad. – cf. movie, Good Morning Vietnam)

Look at our beautiful world, and tell me we shouldn’t care for her.

We don’t own the earth. The earth peoples.

It is a wicked and stupid creature that chooses to destroy its own home, its own niche in the cosmos.

For what? Money? Money won’t buy you a new planet.

Where else do you think there is to go?

Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)

Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)

The fourth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4), the most comprehensive United Nations assessment report on environment, development and human well-being has been officially launched at the UN Information Center.

See the BBC special report on the state of the planet in graphics. How many earths again?

Download the entire report (pdf, 21.9 mg).

United Nations Environment Programme brochures and reports

  • Over the last 20 years, the human population has increased by a third, global trade has tripled, and per capita income has gone up by 40%. Annual emissions of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, have also increased by one third.
  • As the human population grows it has reached the point, the UN says, “where the amount of resources needed to sustain it exceeds what is available”.
  • Sixteen thousand species are threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is a major factor as many forests are cleared for agriculture. The UN estimates the global annual loss of primary forest is 50,000 km2.
  • The availability of fresh water will decline, according to the UN, who project that by 2025 1.8bn people will be affected by water scarcity. Sanitation is also a major issue, as contaminated water is the greatest single cause of human disease and death.
  • By the end of 2007 it is estimated that more people will live in cities than rural areas for the first time in history.

(Thanks to JR)

Twitter Tweets and Other Updates

Twitter Tweets and Other Updates

I got the new Twitter Updates plugin to work, finally, except that the date on my Tweets is Dec 31st, 1969. Sheesh. I have no earthly idea, really.

I also got the archives, pages, and categories plugin to work.

Please tell me if you have any problems with loading the page.

VirusHead Updates and Tweaks

VirusHead Updates and Tweaks

I’ve been trying to troubleshoot to find out what is making the blog take so long to load. In the process, I’ve been updating and optimizing the new design. Here’s what’s new:

  • Imported the tag database from the Simple Tags Plug-in to the new native tags function of WordPress 2.3, deactivated the old plugin, and implemented the new Tag format in the template file.
  • Installed the Technorati Tags and Related Posts for WordPress 2.3, and implemented them. Got rid of the old Related Posts plug I was using.
  • Added the new sidebar code from Techorati.
  • Got rid of the users online code that I was using and installed the Users Online plugin. Added a page so that you can how many guests, users and bots are on the blog.
  • Updated the Text Links code, and added a “Feedvertise here” button on the sidebar.
  • Deactivated the Twitter plugin, which doesn’t work with WordPress 2.3 and has not yet been updated.
  • Deactivated the WP-Amazon plugin, which really really needs to be updated (get on that!). Also took off the context-sensitive ad because it was slowing things down.
  • Deleted the Sociable plugin, since I prefer the AddThis Bookmark code.
  • Deleted WP-PostRatings, just because it seems a bit silly.
  • Deleted the Kill Preview plugin because the new version of WordPress doesn’t need it.
  • Updated the All in One SEO pack plugin.
  • Updated the WP-DB-Backup plugin.

Still to do

  • See if there are updated options at
  • Find out when the Twitter update is expected.
  • Change the styling of the “VirusHead” text header at the top of the left-hand column. I don’t like it.
  • Research new anti-spam options. If nothing looks very good, consider updating Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam, and trying it again. I haven’t used it in a while, but I’m getting some leaks over Akismet again.
  • Look at the css stylesheet and figure out why all the links are suddenly underlined. I want them bold in the post, and unstyled in the sidebar.
  • Get rid of the space before the Related Posts are listed. It’s not in the template, so check the php file.

Any other suggestions? Is anyone still getting a script error?