ExJW Links
Disclaimer: What I offer here is a wide range of information for those seeking their own truths and meanings. Sometimes you have to see a range of things to begin to map the terrain for yourself. I specifically include everything from apologetics to humor, even a link to the JW PR site! Explore, read critically, assess the information you find, make your own (more informed) decisions.
Special Mentions
- Out of the Cocoon offers a monthly newsletter which provides information and support for ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. The newsletter in no way attempts to convert the reader to another religion. It does, however, contains website links, biographies from former members, questions and answers, poetry, inspirational quotes, JW-related jokes, and other items of interest.
- Barbara G. Harrison author of many books and essays, including Unlearning the Lie: Sexism in School (Liveright, 1973), Visions of Glory: A History and a Memory of Jehovah’s Witnesses, available free online (Simon and Schuster, 1978), Off Center: Essays (Dial Press, 1980), The Astonishing World: Essays (Ticknor & Fields, 1992), and An Accidental Autobiography (Houghton Mifflin, 1996).
“It delivers people who have no tolerance for ambiguity from having to make moral choices. It allows self-loathers to project their hatred onto the world. It translates the allure of the world into Satanic temptation, so that those who fear its enticements are armed against seduction. It provides ego balm for the lowly, an identification with the The Chosen. Because Jehovah’s Witnesses believe as little in psychology as they do in philosophy, it tames or numbs the wilderness of the heart by closing valves of inquiry.” – Barbara G. Harrison
- AFF’s Student Study Guides
- Amanda Mae’s Resources, MySpace Group Watchtower Survivors, and Ex-JW blog.
- American Academy of Religion
- Animal Farm – JW Totalitarianism a la Orwell
- Armageddon Museum
- Associated Jehovah’s Witnesses for Reform on Blood
- Beacon for Former JWs
- Beyond Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Bible Students – Charles Taze Russell
- CARM – Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- Church of the Blind Chihuahua
- Comments from the Friends (David A. Reed)
- Common Bond (worldwide support network for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals who were, or still are, associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses)
- Council on Spiritual Practices
- Danny Haszard – Watchtower Whistleblower
- DETOX Religious Recovery
- Dirty Watchtower Secrets – For some really strange stuff!
- E-Watchman – A current JW
- Escape from Watchtower
- Exetazo
- Ex Jehovah’s Witness Forum and Recovery Site
- Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Chat
- Ex JW Pagans
- Ex JW Meetup
- Ex-JWs Net
- Fellowship of the Earth
- Feminist Majority
- First Things
- Free Minds’ List of False Dates
- Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese
- Heathens Against Hate
- Jehovah’s Witnesses News: Court Cases, Conflicts, and More at About.com
- JehovahsWitnesses.com
- Jerusalem2 Outpost
- Joel Elliott’s JW Research
- JW Files (Shaun)
- JW Prophecy 1914 Generation
- JW’s in the Nazi Camps vs. the Watchtower Society
- JW Truth
- Let Us Reason
- Life after Watchtower Support Ministries
- Love Ministries was founded by an ExJW – offers free books, yahoo group, radio show, blog and much more – advocating a mystical approach of love and heartspirit that I have found truly refreshing.
- Lying in Court – How JWs Prepare for Child Custody Cases (at FreeMinds). An eye-opener.
- MacGregor Ministries
- No Blood Network
- Om Place
- Pagan Origins
- Research & Opinions on JWs
- Safe Haven
- Secular Web
- Silent Lambs
- Skeptic’s Annotated Bible
- Smyth, Russell and the Great Pyramid of Gizeh
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Spirit and Sky – Search engine
- SpiritWatch.org
- Statistics of Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Watchers at Free Minds
- Watching the Watchtower Society at SoulRight.com
- Watchman Expositor
- Watchtower Information Service
- Watchtower Victims
- Watchtower Victims Memorial
- Women Awake E Group
- WT Media
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