I haven’t really been a dedicated watcher of any regular television show for some years now.
Since we finally replaced our ancient tv at Christmastime with a huge flat-screen, I’ve really been enjoying my nightly political news. My hero Rachel Maddow is almost real-size! What a treat it was to finally watch Elmer Gantry, and I got a good chickflick dose with The Holiday and The Notebook.
Sometimes I just feel like relaxing and being entertained. I flip through the channels – most of it doesn’t interest me. I’m not big into “reality” shows, but I sometimes like the ones that show how different people’s lives can be from one another – like Trading Spouses and whatever that one was with the British nanny. I wish that Holmes on Homes guy would come renovate *my* house. I enjoy profiling, and shows like Snapped if it’s an unusual case. The first couple of seasons of 24 were interesting, but I lost interest when they brought in torture (it *was* on Fox!). I’ve attempted to get into a regular schedule with my collections of Twin Peaks and Ultraviolet – but those haunt me so much that I can only watch them once in a while. I like the odd something on the History channel or PBS, but nothing was grabbing me tonight.
Then – I caught a show that’s been on for a long time but I had only caught a minute here or there before. I’m not really in tune with what’s popular, and I had written it off just because of the title.
So now I’m busy every Sunday night at 9 pm, because that’s when Desperate Housewives is on. I just watched two back-to-back episodes – Lovely and The Chase. It looks like tomorrow’s episode follows from there – YAY! It’s been on since 2004! I’ve already missed six whole years?!?!?!
I’m fairly sure that some of my friends will find it amusing that I’m enthralled with this show.
What can I say?