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Tag: al Zarqawi



“You were in Baghdad for six hours. You weren’t even in the real Baghdad. You were in the Green Zone. That’s like going to the Olive Garden and saying you’ve been to Italy.”
— Jon Stewart,
On Bush limiting his Iraq visit to Baghdad’s Green Zone,
Jun. 15, 2006

“That’s his privilege as Vice President. He was tough, demanding, and when he thought I was out of line, he snapped my garters.”
— Colin Powell,
In an interview with AARP magazine, when asked about his advice being ignored by the White House,
Jun. 13, 2006

“Whenever …I see the weapon I invented to defend my motherland in the hands of these bin Ladens I ask myself the same question: How did it get into their hands?”
— Mikhail Kalashnikov,
Russian gun maker who designed the AK-47,
Jun. 12, 2006

“A good PR move to draw attention.”
— Colleen Graffy
US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, describing the weekend suicides of three detainees at Guantanamo,
Jun. 12, 2006

al-Zarqawi is dead

al-Zarqawi is dead

Finally, it looks as though there has been some valuable on-the-ground intelligence.

The Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (real name Ahmed Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalayleh), the most-wanted terrorist in Iraq, is dead. As far as we know, he was the top guy in charge of kidnappings, beheadings and suicide bombings. Of course, our propaganda campaign may have exaggerated his importance to some degree, but however he got there, Zarqawi was considered the figurehead of the Sunni insurgency. He is said to be the leader of the merged insurgency/al-Qaeda network in Iraq, responsible for killing thousands of Shias and US forces. Jordanian courts have given him the death penalty more than once, and he is believed to have personally beheaded at least two Western hostages, among them American Nicholas Berg, who was slain on camera in late 2004.

The two 500-pound bombs dropped by warplanes on his safehouse seem to be a little bit of an overkill to me, but maybe not, since Iraqi police – first to arrive on the scene – were able to recover his body.

At this point, there are some conflicting reports about who else may have died. His key lieutenant and spiritual adviser Sheik Abdul Rahman al-Iraqi is being named as being among the dead, but seems also to have issued a statement today? An Australian site claims two women were killed in addition to the unnamed 6-7 aides at the safehouse. The story develops.

Al-Qaeda will, of course, try to use al-Zarqawi’s murder as a rallying point, but I don’t think there could really be such a huge following for the idea of “martyrdom” in this case. I hope that his death will contribute to improvements on the ground for the Iraqi people.

Ratcheting Up the Terror

Ratcheting Up the Terror

Well, I guess they needed something for the polls. It was good timing for terrorism… London wins the Olympics, the G8 is going on – everyone is celebrating, then POW! Multiple bombings on the London Metro, something like 40 people dead and 1000 injured, railway cars smashed, a bus exploded.

Blair links it to the G8. The “Secret Al Qaeda Jihad Organization in Europe” that claimed responsibility for the London attacks says that they did so as retaliation for Britain’s involvement in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan – which actually makes more sense. They include “Denmark, Italy and all of the Crusader governments” in future attacks. Horrible, brutal, desperate and wrong – but there is a logic to the claim. Bush says, “The contrast couldn’t be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill, those who’ve got such evil in their hearts that they will take the lives of innocent folks. The war on terror goes on.” I’ll bet it does. If it turns out (as many people are arguing, with more evidence than you’d think) that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen, those words will be good to requote. I’m almost cynical enough at this point to begin to suspect that Bush is simply ordering these events to happen. So the US/UK and the terrorists support one another’s darkness – a bit like evangelists and titty bars.

Sometimes humor has a grain too much truth.

Unconfirmed sources report that British Prime Minister Tony Blair is taking full responsibility for the bombing attacks in London today. In a tearful press conference this morning Blair spoke to the nation and asked to be forgiven for involving Britain in the misguided American military adventure in Iraq. – Unconfirmed Sources

After the explosions, the pound dropped to a 19-month low ( but it’s still worth $1.74 or so).

One might almost miss that Egypt’s ambassador to Iraq has been killed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s group – but that’s pretty significant too. We have done nothing, not even Rove-fare, to counteract the impression of us as Crusaders. We’re pretty similar, Crusading Capitalists and Pseudochristians – greedy plunderers of the spoils of war. Like in olden days, the money doesn’t even go to the conquering country as a whole but only to chosen ones, in this case insiders, cronies, CEOs and contracters (like Halliburton, who just won yet another big contract in Iraq!). This administration is hostile to the poor and to the working class of all countries including its own, cowboy swagger notwithstanding.

My heart flies out to everyone in London and all of the British Isles. My deepest sympathies. Don’t let them use this to do to you what they are doing to us. I like what I see so far about the local reaction – they won’t be ruled by fear, unlike us.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi captured?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi captured?

Haven’t seen it on our news sites yet, but Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation claim that al-Zarqawi has been arrested in Bagouba by US Forces.

The people of Falluja have “repeatedly accused US forces of using Zarqawi as a pretext to demolish a city of 300,000 in an attempt to quell its resistance to the occupation” but many in the Iraqi resistance oppose his methods and have distanced themselves from him.

Will they find a new figurehead for the next city to be destroyed? How would you feel if invading “liberators” totaled Boston, Chicago, Miami… All this compassion for a natural disaster, still no sign of cognitive dissonance toward the thousands of civilians we have murdered and are continuing to murder – our attack on a hospital! a hospital!! I know they disregard the Geneva Conventions, and they really didn’t need that wee memo for that, but didn’t any of these guys even watch M*A*S*H*?

The Guardian reports that as US casualties exceed 200 weekly, large portions of Iraq are outside any control. Incidents that we don’t seem to hear about have been escalating in response over the last several months. You might have seen the video that made the rounds of the boys targeting civilians walking down the street – I think the title was something like “Hey Dude.” The article I stumbled across today was dated September 14 2004 – it has pictures of a US aerial attack on an ambulance in Falluja that killed more than than 20 people – an AMBULANCE! Full of people! They aren’t just using those Apache helicopters to shoot wild horses in America – how ’bout them unarmed civilians and journalists gunned down on Haifa Street in Baghdad?

Meanwhile – the Tsunami toll nears 155,000, and Bush&Co are launching their own relief on the side – outside the UN. Yeah, why not just build a new agency from scratch and ignore Oxfam, Doctors without Borders, the Red Cross, and so on – who are already placed and who can help immediately? No no – we have to make sure that whatever we “contribute” is turned into yet another chance to line the pockets of Whatever Corporation. Kind of like the AIDS package – in retail priced drugs. Or any of the no-bid contracts – ie Halliburton. Strangely enough, Bush Senior has teamed up with Clinton to help raise more private funds. Bizarro world.

And before everyone gets too happy about Afghanistan, just remember that’s where 87% of the world’s opium comes from.

Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up

Maybe I should have stayed on my news sabbatical.