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Tag: bill o reilly

O’Reilly Gitmo

O’Reilly Gitmo

Bill O’Reilly visited Gitmo just before three prisoners committed suicide.

Jon Stewart: “I can’t believe they lasted that long after an O’Reilly visit…”

O’Reilly claims the prisoners are POWs…. What does that make Condi?

See video at Crooks and Liars

Video-WMP Video-QT

O’Reilly’s response? He claims that you’d have to be a stoned dopey college kid to watch Stewart’s show.

In fact, as Media Matters for America has previously noted, a study by the Annenberg Public Policy Center indicates that Daily Show viewers are consistently better informed about current events than consumers of other media, while Nielsen Media Research statistics demonstrate that Daily Show viewers are more educated and affluent than the viewers of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor.