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Tag: blog in space

Most Likely Alien Contact

Most Likely Alien Contact

I missed it! While I was out of town, the blog was deemed “most likely to be contacted by aliens“!

Outer-space, that is.

Congratulations! Blog in Space has deemed you “Most Likely to be Contacted.” Your blog will be showcased on the home page of on October 29, 2006. We’ve provided a button below for your blog to assist in helping off-world entities locate your blog. You are no longer considered part of the World Wide Web. You are now officially part of the Intergalatic Wide Web. Welcome.

That almost makes up for ML beating me out for the “Best Actress” in senior year of High School (she was in the much cooler play).

It even makes up for the fact that I never saw any evidence whatsoever of a ghost at the beach house where we were staying recently, although the guest journals were full of anecdotal narratives.

Aliens! Your views on what we’re doing to our beautiful world? Is our “higher purpose” simply to produce plastics and pollution for the greater complexity of the cosmos? Comments? Criticisms?


VirusHead in Space Again

VirusHead in Space Again

I love, love, love this idea. I don’t care if any marketing folk make fun of me and think I’m a simple mark for the ploy. Here’s the service, here’s the fun stuff – I’ll gladly send them traffic. Honest, don’t you want a certificate every few months that your blog has been transmitted into space? The messages are cute too.

Next, I would really like the flying cars, the transporter beam, and the holodeck. How about that limitless, safe and cheap energy? Anybody working on that? I was sure we’d have it by now.

Dear Humanoid:

The landing of Space Shuttle Discovery was no end at all, yet the beginning to the double digit attempt of having alien life forms contact us as thousands of blogs left Planet Earth for a mission of their own. Please take this certificate as a symbolization of your audacious bravery on July 18, 2006 at 12:07 AM EST at North Latitude 28° 29′ 23” and West Longitude 80° 35′ 08” at a frequency of 5945 Mhz. This mission will not falter.

While many may have followed in your footsteps in the past, taking missions to the International Space Station to fix orbiters, your mission has gone even further, surpassing the station, Mars, Venus and out of the galaxy. Your mission is limitless, until it reaches a being with the ability to transcode, transcribe and transmit a return message. While it may not be in the lifetime, the Blog in Space team is certain this day will come.

Please, only encourage other life forms to return a message through transmitter waves, storks or Morse code. The Blog in Space team supports only safe intergalactic communications.

When Telling the World Simply Isn’t Enough.

Friendly Green Wishes,

– The Blog in Space Team

I’m thrilled to be signified by herby too!

VirusHead in Space, part 2

VirusHead in Space, part 2

The VirusHead blog has been beamed into space five times since last September.

Blog in Space ranked 7th in SherpaMarketing’s 2006 Viral Hall of Fame.

I’m tickled that VirusHead is cited as a “nationally influential blog.”

This campaign is proof that if you blatantly appeal to bloggers’ egos and desire for more traffic/attention, they will in turn happily link to you. And if your offer is appealing enough, where a few influential bloggers go the rest will virally follow.

Yes, I think it’s a terrific idea, and it showed how viral marketing can really work. I love the idea of the blog being transmitted into space. So I don’t mind (much) being portrayed as the “typical” blogger, irresistibly attracted to shiny graphic objects.

In fact, here’s another, just for the fun of it… (grinning)

Blog in Space

Blog in Space

My blog is being transmitted to… space!

At approximately 2:24 p.m. on the afternoon of October 3, 2005 at North Latitude 28° 29′ 23″ and West Longitude 80° 35′ 08″, your message was beamed into deep space traveling at a direction of Azimuth 180 degrees at an elevation of 70 degrees on a 5945 MHz. Like we’d make that up!

When Telling the World Simply Isn’t Enough.

-The BlogInSpace Team

*Blog in Space is not responsible for those who begin turning green, growing larger than normal eyes, speaking in unknown languages or any other unforeseen transformations. Should any of these symptoms occur, consult your local physician immediately.