‘Opinionated’ VirusHead – Featured Blogger
VirusHead has been featured at the Bloggapedia blog!
A caveat – it’s on a short list of eight of the most opinionated bloggers, out of the some 6,300 listed in their directory. Hmm…
Virushead: An academic, a mom, one opinionated lady.
“Opinionated” has negative connotations to me (I’ll leave the “lady” part alone… for now. Tip: “woman” is usually better).
Sure, I have strong opinions. I’ve worked pretty hard for most of my life to be able to have confidence in my opinions. I’m also an ethicist, and so I really try my very best to consider those judgments very carefully. I don’t often spew (although I will admit that occasionally the blog serves to take the edge off rather than to consider something seriously and in depth).
I’m “unreasonable and stubborn” only about issues on which I feel that I am standing against destructiveness and injustice, in compassion and solidarity with others. I’m an idealist in the sense that I deeply feel – and vividly imagine the circumstances of – injustice. I feel a sort of duty, at least on some issues, to speak up. Even if the only result is to register a statistical voice, it’s better than silence. I hope that some of my work opposing authoritarian, totalitarian forms of power may comfort or inspire others.
Then again, sometimes I’m just repulsed by some news item. I’m only human (grin).
I’m listed with Bookslut Blog, Opinionated Bastard, Skippy the Bush Kangeroo, Velvet Hammer, Plastic, SistersTalk and PoliBlog.
One more thing, just for the record: our providing featured blog post links to the above blogs does not in any way imply affiliation or agreement with any one particular opinion or viewpoint. In fact, we appreciate them all simply because that’s the whole point of a little thing called ‘freedom of speech.’
Thank you Bloggapedia, for the mention! ‘Preciate it muchly.