Stuff that Caught My Eye – Ouch!
A snapshot of recent bits:
- Be thankful for government
- US Senate To Vote On Bill That Will Allow The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely
- Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused Over Iran’s Nuke Program
- Giant Nasa rover launches to Mars
- “How Could This Happen in America?” Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats
- Discussing Occupy Wall Street, Coulter Says: “It Just Took A Few Shootings At Kent State To Shut That Down”
- Reality-based charts to help knock down absurd right-wing propaganda about the economy
- The GOP’s Oath To The One Percent
- United States Still Number 1 … In Health Care Spending – 2-1/2 times average
- The Average Bush Tax Cut For The 1 Percent This Year Will Be Greater Than The Average Income Of The Other 99 Percent
- Bank earnings at highest level in 4 years
- Companies Lay Off Workers While Spending Billions On Share Buybacks To Enrich Executives
- Corrupt capitalism trumps First Amendment
- Romney’s Economic Plan Includes $6.6 Trillion Tax Cut For The Rich And Corporations
- How The Oligarchy Gets Politicized
- Former AIG CEO Sues Claiming Taxpayers Need To Pony Up $25 Billion More
- Gingrich calls child labor laws ‘truly stupid’
- 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates: Views on Immigration Issues
- Prescott Bush, And The Golden Age Of War Profiteering
- CNN National Security Debate: The Return Of The Neocons
- The Right Wing Playbook On Occupy Wall Street
- Middle-class areas shrink as America divides into ‘two-tiered society’ of rich and poor
- Hunger In America, By The Numbers
- Robertson: “What Is This ‘Mac And Cheese,’ Is That A Black Thing?”
- Who Would Jesus Bully?
- The Fascinating History of How Corporations Became “People” — Thanks to Corrupt Courts Working for the 1%
- Romney Proposes Defunding Health Law To Subsidize More Military Spending
- The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies and How They Control Our Politics
- Zombie Lie: Fox, WSJ Still Falsely Claiming Lower Taxes Generate More Revenue
- ‘Income inequality’ meets ‘corporate greed’
- Even David Frum Agrees that Republicans Have Lost It
- Taboo in Today’s GOP? Realism and Compassion
- Obama Didn’t Call Americans Lazy — But Right-Wing Media Routinely Do
- How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an American Town a Model for Right-Wing Extremism
- Understanding The History And Purpose Of FOX News
- Diagnosing the ‘Personhood’ Problem: It’s in Your Brain
- House GOP kills high speed rail funding
- Colin Powell Uses The Founding Fathers To Explain Why The GOP Will Fail In 2012
- Climate Change May Make Insect-Borne Diseases Harder to Control
- Pope calls for “responsible and credible” climate deal
- Big emitters aim for climate delay
- Corporations Are Patenting Human Genes and Tissues
- Mirror mirror – Muslim Medical Students Refuse To Attend Evolution Lectures – ‘Clashes With The Koran’
- Fox Gins Up Outrage Over Obama’s Observation That The U.S. Has Fallen Behind In Math And Science Education
- Dickipedia – A Wiki of Dicks
- Online education companies and their political allies put profit before kids
- Former Bush Education Official: Reform Movement A Campaign To Privatize As Many Schools As Possible
- Chris Hayes Slams CNN for Allowing Torture Advocate David Addington to Ask Questions at GOP Debate
So Called “War on Christmas” Persecution
- The White Nationalist Behind Bill O’Reilly’s War on Christmas
- 5 Reasons the Religious Right Should Stop Whining About Being Persecuted
- Christmas Truce: What If They Gave A War And No One Came?
To this strawman viral post:
“We can’t say Merry Christmas, now we have to say Happy Holidays? We can’t call it a Christmas tree, it’s now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone? If you don’t like our “Customs” and it offends you so much then LEAVE!!! I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions. If you agree with this please post this as your status!! I AM A PROUD USA CITIZEN… MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Do you have what it takes to repost this?”
You can say Merry Christmas as much as you want. We just want you to be tolerant of those who prefer to say Happy Holidays or celebrate the season in a way different from the way you do. You can call it a Christmas tree too. You just need to be tolerant of those who prefer to have a secular Holiday tree, or perhaps a Menorah. If you don’t like living in the SECULAR America that the forefathers intended, LEAVE. I will help you pack. Perhaps you can move to a theocracy like Iran or a country with less government involvement like Somalia. I AM A PROUD AMERICAN CITIZEN. Happy holidays to all of you, no matter how you choose to celebrate the season! Do you have what it takes to repost? Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!