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Tag: creation myths

JWs in the News: Wife Beater

JWs in the News: Wife Beater | Lockdown In Search For Beating Suspect

Joseph Ambrose, 55, is charged with attempted murder, first-degree assault and first-degree kidnapping of his estranged wife.

Two of the couple’s four children were home while he beat his wife. Ambrose is a member of the local Canton (Connecticut) congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Police found several rifles at the rented house.

Joseph Ambrose was quoted in a story in The Courant in 1996 about the mission of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those who join the church, the story said, must be committed to the faith.

“Your conduct has to be right in harmony with the Scriptures,” Ambrose said in the story. “Your morals have to be right in line.”

His estranged wife is now in stable condition and is being treated at Hartford Hospital.

Ambrose is still at large.

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster made it into the Wikipedia, nice!

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of a religion, known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, started on the Internet by Bobby Henderson as a parody of the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to allow intelligent design to be taught in science classes alongside evolution. Henderson submitted an open letter to the Kansas Board of Education demanding that the Flying Spaghetti Monster be given equal time in classrooms along with Christian and all other creation myths. The “religion” has since become an Internet phenomenon garnering many followers preaching the word of their “noodly master” as the One True Religion.

The doctrine of this emergent religious movement centers on the belief that the Universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster and mandates that His followers shall wear full pirate regalia to ward off natural disasters caused by the decline in numbers of pirates.

Shiver me timbers and ahoy! Ra-men.
(Thanks Jean-Marie!)