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Tag: Danny Kaye

ITunes Madness

ITunes Madness

Thanks to my boss, who donated a used computer to me for my birthday, I now have a computer that can handle ITunes. Unfortunately, the CD drive on the computer reads but doesn’t write.

I guess I could hook up my old computer, wipe most of the drive, and use it as music backup. Or even harness the CD drive to make a couple of music disks. I have an mpg player, but it plays cds.

I’ve finally begun looking at IPods. The IPod shuffle would be great for me, except I don’t like the idea that it is basically disposable. You can’t replace the battery? I’d love one of those IPod Nanos (I’m partial to the green one – 4G maybe?), but they are a bit expensive for me. The bigger IPods are right out of range for me. Hah. I even looked at the Bose system you can dock it on – wouldn’t that be sweet? I have one ancient stereo, and a kind of boomboxy sort of thing. For someone who loves music as much as I do, it is strange that I don’t really have a good way to play it.

I know I’m way behind on all of this. Hey, I don’t even have a cellphone. I’m not a Luddite or anything – I just don’t have the cash.

Once again – I could really, really use a good Atlanta job. I’m still working part-time, no paid sick days or vacations, no benefits. I like my job, but I’ve got to start paying off those student loans…

Anyway, I couldn’t burn a CD, and I started looking around at ITunes. Ooooooo. Big mistake. BIG BIG mistake.

I started thinking about songs I hadn’t heard in a long time – say, all the way back to “All on a Golden Afternoon” from Alice in Wonderland. I found that some songs were only available if you buy the whole album, which kind of defeats the whole purpose. Other songs I wanted weren’t there at all (like Danny Kaye’s “Inchworm” – I was feeling nostalgic, all right? I loved Danny Kaye.)

Before I knew it, I had purchased a number of songs. I will not tell you the number of songs.

I had to forcibly stop myself from buying songs that I already own!

And now I’m eyeing those IPod thingies. It would be so nice to be able to convert my favorite music…

Tell me your IPod experiences – pros and cons. Are there better alternatives? Can you even burn the ITunes format as Mp3? This is all new to me, but I know there are some experts out there. Tell me what I need to know.