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Tag: Daytona

You Have Been Warned

You Have Been Warned

I witnessed a disturbing thing.

It was late morning near the Pier on Flagler Beach in Florida on Sunday the 19th.

It’s not uncommon to see small planes pulling banners across the sky, although it’s certainly not as common as at the typical “spring break” beaches such as Daytona. Perhaps this one came from there and just continued up the coast.

I didn’t notice anything special about the plane itself.

The banner was shorter than the typical ad banner. It was black. The message was in white:

You have been warned

OK, I see the obvious 666 reference. Is this a threat? A scare tactic? If so, who is behind it? Apocalyptic Evangelicals? Terrorists of some kind? Has there been any news coverage of this? If so, I couldn’t find it.

It was chilling.

Please comment if you know anything, or have heard anything, about this.

(Thanks for the comments – it was a tasteless publicity stunt for the new Omen movie)