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Flu-like Symptoms? Diagnosis Needed

Flu-like Symptoms? Diagnosis Needed

Maybe I spent too much time wallowing in viral topics for my dissertation, but I’m gradually getting a little concerned. I’m trying to disentangle coincidence, influenza, and another virus with “flu-like symptoms.”

The flu virus is spreading fast in the Southeast, with Georgia, Alabama and Florida reporting the highest activity, the CDC says. See the CDC weekly flu map.

James Brown died early Christmas morning. Phyllis Brown (widow of DeKalb County Sheriff-elect Derwin Brown, who was shot down in his driveway on the orders of his political opponent) has died – at 52 – with “flu-like symptoms.” (By the way, isn’t that odd? Brown-Brown? I’m assuming that the king of soul and the woman who wouldn’t give up aren’t related – anyone know for sure?).

Late last week, Ben (6) was sent home from school on the last day with a temp of 104. The doctor’s offices were completely mobbed with sick children (and adults) and we were there for hours. He’s still sick, and both John and I are heading in the same direction. Several friends and their children – same thing. I’m taking extra precautions and we’re got a semi-quarantine going here. I’m walking around disinfecting doorknobs and trying not to be obsessive.

Ben tested negative for both influenza and strep throat. We were told that it was an unidentified virus with “flu-like symptoms.” It started with high fever and a sore throat, and moved into dry coughing and sinus congestion. I’ve got albuterol on hand if he starts wheezing, but I’m concerned because he doesn’t get sick very often – and when he does, he doesn’t get high fevers like this.

Where is the diagnosis for what seems to be a somewhat dangerous and pervasive non-flu virus? Is anyone tracking this? Are the flu-like symptoms disguising another possible epidemic? These are the things that keep me up at night. I can’t find any regional stats at the CDC web site. Comment if you have any information.