Another Academic Censored
Do I see a trend arising? Another foreign voice prevented from speaking – we just don’t let ’em in anymore. This is censorship – next thing they’ll be wanting us all to sign loyalty oaths.
Dora Maria Tellez, historian and Sandanista leader, was going to be coming to Harvard Divinity School – except that the US seems to consider her a terrorist. She helped to overthrow Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza – too bad we were supporting same, huh?
From the Guardian article, “The US, under President Ronald Reagan, opposed the Sandinistas even after they had been elected in 1984 and supported the contras, or counter-revolutionaries in their attempts to overthrow them. In the 1987 Irangate scandal, it was discovered that the US was secretly supplying arms to Iran in exchange for money being channelled to the contras. When Mr Bush took office he rehabilitated a number of people associated with the contras and one, John Negroponte, is now his chief of intelligence responsible for dealing with terrorism.” (my emphasis)
Well, they invoked the Patriot Act against her visa, and that seems to be the end of it.
Tellez would have been the Robert F. Kennedy visiting professor of Latin American studies. I suppose that makes a strange kind of sense.