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Tag: future



You are The Star

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised.

The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you’re a dreamer, but you’re not the only one.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

VirusHead in Space Again

VirusHead in Space Again

I love, love, love this idea. I don’t care if any marketing folk make fun of me and think I’m a simple mark for the ploy. Here’s the service, here’s the fun stuff – I’ll gladly send them traffic. Honest, don’t you want a certificate every few months that your blog has been transmitted into space? The messages are cute too.

Next, I would really like the flying cars, the transporter beam, and the holodeck. How about that limitless, safe and cheap energy? Anybody working on that? I was sure we’d have it by now.

Dear Humanoid:

The landing of Space Shuttle Discovery was no end at all, yet the beginning to the double digit attempt of having alien life forms contact us as thousands of blogs left Planet Earth for a mission of their own. Please take this certificate as a symbolization of your audacious bravery on July 18, 2006 at 12:07 AM EST at North Latitude 28° 29′ 23” and West Longitude 80° 35′ 08” at a frequency of 5945 Mhz. This mission will not falter.

While many may have followed in your footsteps in the past, taking missions to the International Space Station to fix orbiters, your mission has gone even further, surpassing the station, Mars, Venus and out of the galaxy. Your mission is limitless, until it reaches a being with the ability to transcode, transcribe and transmit a return message. While it may not be in the lifetime, the Blog in Space team is certain this day will come.

Please, only encourage other life forms to return a message through transmitter waves, storks or Morse code. The Blog in Space team supports only safe intergalactic communications.

When Telling the World Simply Isn’t Enough.

Friendly Green Wishes,

– The Blog in Space Team

I’m thrilled to be signified by herby too!