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Tag: Gator fleet

Where was the Gator Fleet in Lebanon?

Where was the Gator Fleet in Lebanon?

There’s a lot of back and forth about charging Americans for transport out of Lebanon, but here’s a more interesting question.

Why is the U.S. chartering civilian ships to transport Americans out of Lebanon anyway? XPatriated Texan is “really teed-off”:

When I was serving, we always had a “Gator fleet” – a battle group ready to conduct amphibious operations such as this – in the Mediterannean Sea. It was a standard part of ensuring worldwide security. With the increased need for security in that area in these times, it is a dereliction of duty to not have a ship within striking distance – and make no mistakes, one of these ships could make it from one end of the Med to the other in a couple of days. At least one should have already been moving when the bombs began falling in Lebanon late last week.

They should be there just off shore, projecting US power and serving the worldwide interests of peace by evacuating non-combatant personel and offering genuine humanitarian aid.

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