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Tag: global warming

Keep on, Al Gore

Keep on, Al Gore

I just sent a message to Al Gore, who’s been attacked in his efforts to raise awareness on the issue of global warming. So far, right-wing talkers have compared him to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, and one even likened Gore’s pursuit of solutions to global warming to Adolf Hitler’s pursuit of genocide.

Tell him thank you and that he should keep fighting here:

I wanted to take a minute to tell you thank you, and to keep fighting.

Thank you for demonstrating the courage and moral clarity that you have in the face of the vicious right-wing attacks. Global warming is not and should not be a political issue, and I stand behind you against those who use rhetoric to try to hide the truth.

My personal comments added:

As long as there are people like you working for the things that really matter, we still have a chance. Thank you for doing all in your power to awaken us to our own self-destructiveness and to set in motion the forces needed to address our global crisis. On a more personal note, to see you follow your heart and your calling makes me very proud and happy. It gives me hope – you’re my hero.

Non Illegitimi Carborundum

Happy Earth Day – Take Action

Happy Earth Day – Take Action

Happy Earth Day!

Join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March

Read the Progress Report

See the HBO Special “Too Hot Not to Handle“. They have also done a great job of creating a list of resources (including organizations who are committed to fighting global warming).

Reward companies that have a triple bottom line: People, Planet AND Profit. Buy Blue.

Buy Blue

Visit The Wilderness Society’s collection of past Earth Day memories and practical tips for protecting our planet and its wild places.

Don’t Let Them Scrap Cape Wind

Cape Wind: the proposed offshore wind farm that would provide 75 percent of Cape Cod’s energy needs with wind power and kickstart the nation into a clean energy revolution.

On April 6, a conference committee signed off on an amendment to a spending bill that would grant veto power over Cape Wind to the governor of Massachusetts. Governor Mitt Romney is an outspoken opponent of the project and if Congress accepts the bill it will be the end of Cape Wind.

This veto provision is a blatant example of the kind of backdoor politics that Congress has been claiming it is against. The amendment had to be secretly added in a closed-door committee because it would never have passed in open committee debate. This provision is a sneaky attempt to shutdown America’s move toward a clean energy future.

Cape Wind is currently the largest renewable wind energy project in the country and is very important for a strong and vibrant future for wind power in the United States. Congress needs to get serious about addressing our addiction to oil. We need tangible renewable energy projects to reduce our emissions of dangerous global warming pollution.

Don’t let this backroom deal unravel years of hard work to make Cape Wind a reality.

Contact your senators and urge them to strip this disastrous language from the spending bill before it’s too late.

Stop Weyerhaeuser’s Lumber Slash Zones

2,500 square miles of forests, lakes and rivers north of Kenora, Ontario have sustained the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation for thousands of years. Now Weyerhaeuser, the largest lumber company in the world, is turning the American dream of building a home into a native nightmare in Canada. A majority of the wood taken from Weyerhaeuser’s clear-cutting is used in constructing American homes, which are marketed as being “Built Green.”

By the way, VP George Weyerhaeuser Jr. was just appointed to a National Academy of Sciences committee that will evaluate the impact of forest-management practices on the nation’s water quality. Conflict of interest, anyone?

In the 1990s the Weyerhaeuser company dramatically increased logging rates in Grassy Narrows without the consent or proper consultation of the community, regularly clear-cutting huge tracts of land, spraying the land with herbicides and pesticides, and replanting with monoculture tree plantations. Despite decades of negotiations, environmental appeals, protests, and what has become the longest running road blockade in Canadian history, industrial loggers like Weyerhaeuser continue to use wood systematically extracted from ecologically sensitive old growth areas and destroy the traditional way of life of the Grassy Narrows indigenous community who have lived on the land since pre-Columbian times.

Demand the immediate termination of Weyerhaeuser’s destructive logging without consent from the community – and keep your eye out for local actions as well.

Rebuke Office Max and Demand Changes

Southern forests are being rapidly wiped out to meet surging demands for office copy paper and paper packaging. Unless consumers insist that such throwaway products be produced from recycled fibers instead of trees, the great forest that once cloaked the southeastern U.S. is in danger of being into turned into vast, biologically sterile pine plantations.

OfficeMax, the third largest retail office supply store in the US, threatens forests of the south by doing business with the most irresponsible logging company in the region.

Tell them to stop sourcing paper from endangered forests!

The Southern forest region of the U.S. contains some of the most biologically rich ecosystems in North America. It is home to hundreds of forest and aquatic species — especially amphibians, reptiles, snails and trees — that are found nowhere else on earth. What’s more, paper on the shelves of OfficeMax is contributing to the destruction of endangered forests in the Southern US’s Cumberland Plateau and the Canadian Boreal – two of the most biologically diverse regions on Earth

OfficeMax’s two largest competitors, Staples and Office Depot, have already committed publicly to increase recycled content in the paper they sell and avoid sourcing paper from endangered forests.

Urge Office Max to follow suit. Demand that they:

1. Stop sourcing paper from endangered forests, including endangered forests of the Southern US and the Canadian Boreal.
2. Match the standard 30% industry average post-consumer recycled content for all paper grades that OfficeMax sells.
3. Phase out all sales of 100% virgin paper.
4. Stop purchasing paper from suppliers that convert natural forests to industrial pine plantations.
5. Develop and implement environmental paper policies, and reduce overall paper use in internal company operations.

Tell Office Max CEO Sam Duncan to make a commitment to the environment and Southern Forests.

Protect Yellowstone and the Greater Rockies

The Bureau of Land Management has just released a draft management plan that threatens the spectacular wildlife and geological, historical and cultural treasures that make this national monument a unique place.

Urge the Bureau of Land Management to protect the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, rather than subject it to an onslaught of jet skis, motor boats, airstrips and hundreds of miles of roads.

The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument is a place of untamed beauty and flourishing wildlife, rich in cultural history and geological wonders, with the wild and majestic Missouri River at its heart. These wildlands have changed little from what Lewis and Clark saw on their westward journey 200 years ago, or from what Native American tribes experienced for thousands of years before that.

The lands and waters of the monument are home to renowned elk and bighorn sheep herds, bald and golden eagles, and numerous kinds of fish, including rare and endangered species. The Bureau of Land Management is proposing to allow an extensive network of roads — totaling almost 400 miles in length — that would imperil this wildlife and destroy the monument’s unspoiled character. In addition, the six unauthorized airstrips and excessive motorboat use that are part of the proposal would further damage the region’s wild qualities.

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments until April 26th.
Please tell the agency to revise its proposed management plan to protect and preserve the special values of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument for present and future generations to enjoy.

Plant Solutions

Truth Liberty Justice Freedom
Supporting the Return of Democracy to the USA
Take back the USA

Fox News Needs Ethical Leadership

Fox News Needs Ethical Leadership

Isn’t anyone at the helm over there at Fox News? Media Matters is listing some of the reactions of Fox News hosts and reporters to the London attacks. This is sickening.

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade:

KILMEADE: And he [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] made the statement, clearly shaken, but clearly determined. This is his second address in the last hour. First to the people of London, and now at the G8 summit, where their topic Number 1 –believe it or not– was global warming, the second was African aid. And that was the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that terrorism should be Number 1. But it’s important for them all to be together. I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world’s advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened.

Tell that to their families. Works to our advantage?

Fox News contributing correspondent Simon Marks:

MARKS: It [Edgeware Road] is an area that has a very large Arab population. Surrounding that station, a large number of Middle Eastern restaurants. So, it’s a further indication, if in fact these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda-affiliated cells, that these people are, if necessary, prepared to spill Arab blood in addition to the blood of regular — of non-Arab people living in London.

Arab vs “regular” Londoners? London is an international city.

Fox News Washington managing editor Brit Hume:

HUME: You know, the market was down. It was down yesterday, and you know, you may have had some bargain-hunting going on. I mean, my first thought when I heard — just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, “Hmmm, time to buy.” Others may have thought that as well. But you never know about the markets.

His first thought….time to buy? What a schmuck.

And here’s some lovely bashing for the people who helped us win our revolution:
Fox News host John Gibson:

GIBSON: By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed — the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London, to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn’t worry about terrorism. They’d blow up Paris, and who cares?

Well, I would care, and so would a whole lot of other people. What have we become here?

Something like this happens, and this is how crass and disgusting the right-dominated Fox News network reacts. Yeah, very moral, very christian, very ethical, very compassionate.

Please, world, don’t judge us by these people.

Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change

Did anyone else see Bush speaking at the G8 on climate change? He just kept repeating that we’re doing a lot, we’re spending millions on research, it’s very complicated, we’re spending money on research. Maybe when Florida’s under water, maybe when the new plague is released from polar ice, maybe when …. it’s too late. Meanwhile, they simply edit and delete the results of the research if such disagrees with their ideology – you know, a bit like the doctored evidence to go to war in Iraq, a bit like the way Bolton bullied people who didn’t come up with the results he wanted to see.

I think the other superpower -“the rest of the world” (see the piece, was it yesterday? in the New York Times) – should go ahead and do what they can. States and cities here should do what they can – some mayors have already started. Kudos!

America should not be equated with its current president. The tide will change – get things going now. Every little bit will help. Meanwhile – American reader? Sell the SUV, make your house or apartment or modular home (mobile or immobile) more energy-efficient. One dollar spent on efficiency is worth $7 spent on new energy.

Nukes are coming back – but they won’t be protected from terrorist attacks or from breakdown disasters. The Republicans want to drill a new oil well in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area – and there’s a guy in California with a bill to strike down the Endangered Species Act.

Oil supply is dwindling, and competition for carbon-based energy is growing, but there’s still so much money for them to make in the short-term.

Wanna make money? Start figuring out new energy sources now. YOU could be the big winner!

Global Warming Virtual March

Global Warming Virtual March

Join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and make your voice heard!

This one is big enough that it might make some waves.

Some of the other participants are:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Senator John McCain
John H. Adams, President, NRDC
Laurie David, Founder
Senator Joe Lieberman
R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence Agency
Senator Maria Cantwell
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
General Wesley Clark
Andy Stern, President, SEIU
Richard Klausner, MD, Executive Director, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Father Paul Mayer, Co-Founder of the Climate Crisis Coalition
Ross Gelbspan, Author
Gus Speth, Dean, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Al Franken, Author, Air America Radio
Leonardo DiCaprio, Actor, Environmental Activist
Martha Marks, Pres., REP America
Susan Joy Hassol, Independent Scholar
Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Geosciences and Intern’l Affairs, Princeton University

An excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s call to action:

…we have the technology to avert catastrophic global warming. We only need to muster the political will. We must require our leadership in Washington to once again mobilize our country’s scientific and technological capacity – the way America did to win World War II against the Nazis in 1945, to put a man on the moon in 1969, and to fix the ozone crisis in 1988. Today, we need a Apollo project to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, we need our leadership to muster America’s capacity for invention and innovation, our entrepreneurial energies and our willingness to sacrifice –and deploy our invigorated nation to rescue human civilization.

Second, all the actions we must take to avert this global warming, are things America ought to be doing anyhow to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, our entanglement with petty dictators, our vulnerability to price shocks on the international oil markets, and to improve our national security, modify our trade deficits, reduce our national debt, stimulate our economy, create new jobs, and give our children clean air and water, robust health and safer, more wholesome communities. Immediate dramatic action on global warming will restore America’s global leadership and our moral authority among the nations of earth.

We are asking you to help us express your own commitment to stop global warming through a single act of community – a giant petition drive that we call the “Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington.” Over the next year, we will mobilize millions of Americans to join our march and make their personal commitment known by joining together to urge Washington to begin taking the steps necessary to derail global warming.

Our mandate to stop global warming transcends politics. It is a moral imperative. The battle to save the planet is the ultimate human rights struggle and, as with America’s civil rights movement, the first steps must be to mobilize citizens to remind our elected leaders of their moral obligation. Global warming is a theft of our children’s future. It is criminal and sinful.

It would mean a lot to me if you would join under my personal impact page.