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Tag: government

Bush Loyalists Admit Impotence

Bush Loyalists Admit Impotence

Governor Sonny Perdue is joining lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the Georgia state Capitol to pray for rain.

How totally embarrassing.

Well, Bush let ’em down – “Tough luck, Georgia.”

Water is not a partisan issue. You have water or you don’t.

They’ve known about the potential problems of a rapidly-expanding state (and city) population for some time.

Instead of planning and accountability, we get prayers. They’ve made noises about it being interdenominational, but here that probably means something like Presbyterian, along with Methodist and Bapist.

Dry, dour, hypocritical prayers.

I doubt they’ll even have any good chants or dances… they don’t really have a good relationship with the environment anyway.

They have handed the problem off to a higher power, one that doesn’t really get into micromanaging local weather systems.

I’m waiting for some evangelist to claim that the drought is God’s punishment on Georgia for tolerating Atlanta (or some equally fluffernut theory that might play into the fears of the dreadfully misled and manipulated).

Who said it?

Who said it?

If you don’t already know who said this, comment with your best guess.

The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality. Today, Christians stand at the head of our country. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit. We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press – in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during recent years.

Roosevelt 100 Years Ago

Roosevelt 100 Years Ago

In April 100 years ago:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
–Teddy Roosevelt.

(April 19th, actually – I’m a few days late with this.)

Looks like the “invisible government” he was referring to has surged forward and become a lot more visible.

Consider this, from Lawrence Wilkerson: “Is U.S. being transformed into a radical republic?” in today’s Baltimore Sun:

As Alexis de Tocqueville once said: “America is great because she is good. If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

In January 2001, with the inauguration of George W. Bush as president, America set on a path to cease being good; America became a revolutionary nation, a radical republic. If our country continues on this path, it will cease to be great – as happened to all great powers before it, without exception.

From the Kyoto accords to the International Criminal Court, from torture and cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners to rendition of innocent civilians, from illegal domestic surveillance to lies about leaking, from energy ineptitude to denial of global warming, from cherry-picking intelligence to appointing a martinet and a tyrant to run the Defense Department, the Bush administration, in the name of fighting terrorism, has put America on the radical path to ruin.

Unprecedented interpretations of the Constitution that holds the president as commander in chief to be all-powerful and without checks and balances marks the hubris and unparalleled radicalism of this administration.

Moreover, fiscal profligacy of an order never seen before has brought America trade deficits that boggle the mind and a federal deficit that, when stripped of the gimmickry used to make it appear more tolerable, will leave every child and grandchild in this nation a debt that will weigh upon their generations like a ball and chain around every neck. Imagine owing $150,000 from the cradle. That is radical irresponsibility.

Sounds like place to start for the statemanship of today.

Take Action – Protect Health

Take Action – Protect Health

New Air Pollution Rules Threaten Public Health

Take action now

Disregarding and misrepresenting recommendations from their own scientists, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed new air pollution standards that do not sufficiently protect public health. The new rules apply to particulate matter pollution, sources of which include agricultural activity, vehicle exhaust, and emissions from coal-fired power plants. Over 2,000 recent studies have linked particulate matter exposure to heart disease, respiratory ailments, and premature death. The EPA needs to hear from you today. We have until April 17 to urge the EPA to listen to their scientists and create standards that will adequately protect our health and the health of our children.

Take action now