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Tag: hausfrau

Least Favorite Household Chore?

Least Favorite Household Chore?

Well, much as I detest the role of the hausfrau, there is a lot to be done around here today.

Here’s your chance to chime in, folks!

What is your most avoided, least favorite chore? The one thing you’d trade almost any other chore (or even two) to avoid doing?

Mine’s washing the kitchen floor, and it’s on the list of things I must do today. There are sticky bits and places where coffee has been sloshed, and there are little crumbs, and little bits of airborne floaty garlic shells, and a dead spider. It can’t continue. Sweeping isn’t enough, not anymore. Sigh. Deep sigh. Shudder. Resolve.

See you tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.