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Done at Twilight

Done at Twilight

It look much longer than I thought it would to sand and paint the front stairs. I finished with the fading twilight, and it felt so good to stretch and survey my work. I’m sooooo sore! I should have done all of this in the spring.

Front Steps DONE
Front Steps DONE

Molly got tired out just watching. She snuck into the bedroom and she looked so cute we didn’t have the heart to kick her out.

Molly Snuggles

I’ll sleep well tonight, but I’ll still have grey-spattered hands for work tomorrow. Forgot to get paint remover.

Bring Them Home

Bring Them Home

Seeing this much love can only bring higher awareness… and tears.

What are we fighting for? Why do greed and corruption and needless death still triumph over love and caring and thriving?

Have we learned nothing at all?

Bring them home. Bring them home. Bring them all home – everywhere.

Sleepy Sunday

Sleepy Sunday

I’m having a nice lazy sleepy day today.

I worked really hard yesterday, and so the house is all straightened up and very pleasant. Yesterday, I had the extra bonus of having our rugs professionally cleaned and disinfected (if you live in the Atlanta area, I highly recommend them).

Spent a little time under the full moon last night – so serene and comforting.

After my morning coffee, I played with the kitten, and caught up on Facebook, and listened to some comedy, and started a new book.

I’m babysitting, but the boys are getting along very well. We’ll run out to the park a little later.

Things seem to be in a comfortable place all around. I’m glad, because I’ve needed a little rest.

I hope it lasts a little while.