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Tag: home repair

Honey Do List

Honey Do List

The very existence of the possibility of a “honey do” list astounded me. You mean, you can make a list of things that need to be done around the house and really expect the hubby to start doing them? Wow!!! Well, it didn’t really work out that way. Both hubby and myself are… well, we’re basically intellectuals, which means that our skill set is often less than practical. And – of course – we’re both working full-time and not getting any younger. We’re tired!

Still, the tasks need to be done. Lately, I’ve been tackling some of the list myself. It’s not as difficult as I thought, but getting materials is sometimes expensive, so I need to parcel it out.

Here’s what I’ve accomplished so far:

  1. Weed-whack the back yard
  2. Get more fish for the pond
  3. Replace the light bulbs on the back yard landscape lights and move them near the pond
  4. Cut back the overgrown shrubs, especially the azaleas at the front steps
  5. Get the leaves out from the sunken entrance to the basement
  6. Cut back the fig tree where it’s taking over the deck
  7. Start levelling off the back yard where sinkholes are making it wavy (with shovel!) – about halfway done
  8. Blow the yard leaves into reasonable areas
  9. Put up a new hammock where the other one had rotted out
  10. Start cleaning out the junk in the garage – about halfway done
  11. Replace the old lampshades in the living room
  12. Treat the old wood fireplace mantel with lemon oil
  13. Treat the perimeter of the house with insect killer
  14. Clean out the mysterious objects buried under the back deck

Here’s what remains to be done:

  1. Research, bid and pay for better house insulation
  2. Storage for comforters – hope chest or cabinet
  3. Get a bedroom suite – or at least a headboard
  4. Get 25′ of hose, dig a trench, and hook up the pond pump to the waterfall
  5. Buy butcherblock or granite island for kitchen
  6. Repair or replace hot tub
  7. Replace rugs throughout
  8. Get a conversation couch with recliners for tv room
  9. Replace/install garbage disposal
  10. Replace the kitchen floor
  11. Replace the broken parts of kitchen cabinets
  12. Attempt to stain the good kitchen cabinets
  13. Tile area around bathroom sinks
  14. Replace back deck lights
  15. Get electrical work done, and replace ceiling lights in living room
  16. Finish basement stairs
  17. Replace outside basement door area wood slats with metal
  18. Ventilation fan in basement
  19. Update/replace important windows
  20. Weatherstrip the leaking windows
  21. Pressure-wash the back deck and the front stair area
  22. Sand and stain the front stairs
  23. Stain the deck
  24. Decide color, and paint the wall around the fireplace
  25. Paint the kitchen
  26. Set up basement playroom
  27. Reorganize the kid’s bedroom
  28. Reorganize laundry room
  29. Reorganize my office
  30. Move basement microwave upstairs
  31. Move rarely-used kitchen items into the basement
  32. Finish cleaning/reorg of garage
  33. Finish levelling the back yard
  34. Get 12 bags of pebbles for back area
  35. Throw down soil/manure for the spring
  36. Plant some bulbs now for the spring
  37. Collect clothes for donation
  38. Collect books for resale or donation
  39. Replace furnace filter

What a lot of work… time… money….!

Weekend plans

Weekend plans

In my new daily planner, I made a list yesterday of the things I need to do. They are roughly in order of priority:

  1. Get a present for my nephew
  2. Go to my nephew’s birthday party
  3. Learn how to use Gantt Project
  4. Create a master plan with timeline, resources, and subtasks for work
  5. Take down the Christmas tree – yes, really
  6. Get an oil change for my car
  7. Do laundry
  8. Call Mom and Gramma
  9. Pack away the clothes I’m not wearing
  10. Clean the house
  11. Install new light fixtures at the front door
  12. Pack up some kid clothes to send off for my other nephew
  13. Pack up some books for Mom and Gramma
  14. Pack up some books to bring to work
  15. Get a new filter for the furnace
  16. Measure the screen door to replace it
  17. Empty the calcium crystals out of the faucets and showerheads
  18. Get an estimate from plumber: three new toilets, water pressure issue
  19. Pick out the flooring for the kitchen
  20. Pick out the paint for the kitchen
  21. Buy the paint for the kitchen
  22. Paint the kitchen
  23. Buy the kitchen flooring
  24. See if I have any barter-strength left from freelancing
  25. Tighten the screws on the back door
  26. Get an estimate for non-fiberglass insulation
  27. Pack up all the non-family items in the basement
  28. Clean the basement Get the basement cleaned
  29. Reorganize the garage
  30. Reorganize the kitchen
  31. See how much it would cost for broadband to be cabled in a couple more convenient places
  32. Sell, give away, or toss all the stuff that needs to go away
  33. Find out how much the hot tub repair might be
  34. Flip the mattresses
  35. Tally up lightbulb needs, buy, install
  36. Watch The Prestige so I can finally get my next Netflix
  37. See how much it would cost to replace the upstairs carpeting
  38. Work on the novels
  39. Read stuff I should read
  40. Read stuff I want to read

So, for this weekend, I’ve done 1 and 6 already. I’ll do 2 shortly. 3, 4, 5 and 8 are non-negotiable and must be done.

Most of the rest of the stuff will probably not happen – again. Maybe the laundry and some cleaning, if I don’t get too tied up with the work stuff, or suddenly get inspired to write (that’s when it’s bound to happen).

There is a kind of a disconnect in my priority structure. I’m pretty selfish with my time, I guess.

See? I’m blogging when I have all this other stuff to do. I’m supposed to be at the party in 45 minutes, and I haven’t even taken a shower yet.

Better scurry.