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Tag: Lebanon

Global Terrorism Incident Map

Global Terrorism Incident Map

This global incident map of terrorism and other activities updates every 30 seconds.

On 6-24-2007

  • AFGHANISTAN-NATO Kills 60 Taliban Terrorists In Operations In Afghanistan-Pakistan Border
  • AFGHANISTAN-Lashkar Gah-Soldiers attacked by Afghan roadside bomb
  • AFGHANISTAN-Lashkar Gah-Over a dozen Taliban, coalition soldier killed
  • AFGHANISTAN-Andar-Taliban seize 18 Afghan mine clearing experts
  • AFGHANISTAN-Musa Qala-Taliban behead local police chief’s son
  • COLOMBIA-Buenaventura-Bomb kills at least two in troubled Colombia port
  • GAZA-Palestinian Territory-BBC Journalist wearing bomb belt seen in new video
  • INDIA-Nagpur-Cops on high alert due to letter threat
  • IRAQ-Mosul-Iraqi journalist shot to death on her way home
  • IRAQ-Hillah-Car bomb strikes Hillah
  • IRAQ-Baghdad-Chemical Ali sentenced to hang
  • LEBANON-Khiyam-Car bomb kills 6 U.N. soldiers in Lebanon
  • LEBANON-Metulla-Lebanon Bomb Kills 4 U.N. Peacekeepers
  • NIGERIA-Osogbo-Plans to Bomb Campaign HQ Exposed
  • PAKISTAN-Kashmir-At Least 11 SOG Personnel Injured in Bomb Blast
  • SOMALIA-Mogadishu-Four Wounded in a Grenade Explosion in Mogadishu
  • SOMALIA-Mogadishu-Unknown gunman shoots two people dead
  • USA-Riverside-University Of California Bomb Threat Initially Suspect May Have Had Serious Motives
  • VENEZUELA-Caracas-Chavez Predicts Resistance War With US
Fox News Hides Apocalyptic Mirror

Fox News Hides Apocalyptic Mirror

What’s the appropriate reaction to something like this? Check it out.

On the August 16 edition of Fox News’ Your World, host Neil Cavuto interviewed Christian author Joel C. Rosenberg, whom he identified only as a “Middle East analyst,” regarding a recent Iranian “Holocaust cartoon contest,” and why “many in the Western media aren’t seeing” that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is as dangerous as Adolf Hitler. During the interview, Rosenberg warned of Ahmadinejad’s “apocalyptic mind-set,” asserting that he “is saying … that the end of the world is rapidly approaching and that it’s his mission to bring it about by destroying Israel and … the United States.” But neither Cavuto nor Rosenberg disclosed, as Media Matters for America has noted, that Rosenberg is the author of a book laying out his vision of the Apocalypse, or that Rosenberg has claimed that he was invited to the White House, Capitol Hill, and the CIA to discuss the Rapture and the Middle East, with White House aides purportedly marveling over how the apocalyptic events described in his novels keep coming true.

From the interview:

ROSENBERG: He just signed a $1 billion deal with Russia to buy missiles and arms from Moscow. He is sending $100 million a year to Hezbollah. He is building the arsenal and the alliance to destroy Israel and to wipe out the United States, and that’s what’s so dangerous. People don’t appreciate yet, particularly in the media –Mike Wallace for sure — don’t appreciate or understand the evil that is rising in Iran, and that’s what I’m trying to write about in novels. That’s what I’m trying to talk about — is the religious, end-of-the-world, apocalyptic mind-set that Ahmadinejad has (my emphasis). You can’t negotiate with someone, ultimately, who believes it’s his mission to end the world.

So one of the criticisms is the “apocalyptic mind-set”. Who is this speaking again?

According to Media Matters,

On the July 19 edition of the Jay Sekulow Live! radio program, Rosenberg said his book The Ezekiel Option (Tyndale House Publishers, July 2005) is “based on a 2,500-year-old Bible prophecy — Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 — in which Russia teams up with Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and a number of other Muslim countries to destroy Israel in what Ezekiel calls ‘the last days.’ ” Rosenberg added: “It’s too soon to say, honestly, that Ezekiel 38 and 39 are coming true, but I think it’s drawing a lot of interest in what the Bible has to say about future events in that part of the world, given the parallels to those prophecies.” Additionally, in a column posted on July 17 on the website, Rosenberg purported to break down the prophecy from Ezekiel by listing “what to … watch[] for.” For his final bullet point, he wrote: “Even the G8 issued a statement defending Israel’s right to exist. But the Scriptures are clear, Israel will be totally alone when Russia and Iran attack.”

And during a segment on the July 26 edition of CNN’s Live From … discussing the potential coming of the Apocalypse, as indicated by current conflicts in the Middle East, host Kyra Phillips asked Rosenberg whether she needed “to start taking care of unfinished business and telling people that I love them and I’m sorry for all the evil things I’ve done.” Rosenberg replied, “Well, that would be a good start.”

Still not convinced? Check out his blog entry for today:

ABC PREPARING PRIME TIME SPECIAL, “ARE WE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS?”: Also, Billy Graham on recent events in the Middle East

My comment:

Didn’t you just depict the “religious, end-of-the-world, apocalyptic mind-set” of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as evil? How is mirroring the same view a good, or even Christian, thing? The role of a Christian is to serve and to love others.

The Ezekiel Option Epicenter: Why current rumblings in the middle east will change your future

No, President Bush, it is not your government

No, President Bush, it is not your government

This about sums it up. Bush really doesn’t seem to be able to accept the differences between American democracy and a kingship.

Bush declares himself absolute ruler: It’s ‘my government’
August 8, 2006 6:28 AM

Once again, President George W. Bush has shown complete disregard and utter contempt for the documents which define this country: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Speaking in Crawford, Texas, Monday, Bush said:

“The loss of life on both sides of the Lebanese-Israeli border has been a great tragedy. Millions of Lebanese civilians have been caught in the crossfire of military operations because of the unprovoked attack and kidnappings by Hezbollah. The humanitarian crisis in Lebanon is of deep concern to all Americans, and alleviating it will remain a priority of my government.”

“My government?” Abraham Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, said the Constitution establishes a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” The Declaration of Independence starts with phrase “We the people.” They say nothing of turning the government over to any elected official so that it becomes “my government.”

Presidents have administrations and they can, and usually do, refer to such as “my administration.” But Bush, we believe, feels his power is absolute and the government of this nation belongs not to the people but to him and him alone.

This is not the first time that Bush has disregarded the protections of freedoms that are the cornerstone of our Republic. His widespread abuse of power has forced the Supreme Court to slap him down again and again, especially on the abandonment of Constitutionally-guaranteed rights for detainees at Guantanamo and others held without due course in the hysteria following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The American Bar Association recently issued a report noting his abuse of the Constitution through a deluge of “signing statements” where he declares he does not have to obey laws passed by Congress.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while serving as White House Counsel, wrote a memo that referred to the Constitution as “an outdated document” and Bush himself has expressed contempt for the very document he has twice sworn an oath to uphold and defend.

America is no longer a democracy or a democratic republic. Government no longer belongs to the people. The President of the United States has declared it do be a government of Bush, by Bush and for Bush.

In his own words, Bush calls it “my government.”

As has happened too often in the past, the fate of a nation and the world rests in the hands of a megalomaniacal despot who claims absolute power to wage war, destroy freedom and spread chaos.

© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue

Daily Activism

Daily Activism

What can you do? Some. Call your congressional representatives and express your views. Even if you know they won’t agree, someone keeps track of the numbers. Be polite and specific about your support or opposition on a particular bill, resolution, or issue.

Here are a few actions that I did today to get you started. The top one is very time-sensitive in the US since the vote is tomorrow (Friday).

Ok, on with the armchair activism…

1. Don’t Bundle Minimum Wage Increase with Huge Tax Giveaway for the Rich

Call your Senators now (800-459-1887) and ask them to oppose H.R. 5970. The vote is soon so there’s no time to email! H.R. 5970 is bad because:

  1. It will raid our treasury of billions of dollars to help 8,000 rich families get richer.
  2. It will hurt millions of hard-working families and low-income workers who cannot afford to trade a few dollars increase in their paychecks if the tradeoff is cuts and reductions for federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, veterans programs, children’s health, senior services and unemployment insurance, which will leave them with fewer resources after the increase.
  3. It will hurt millions of workers in food service and other jobs where they rely on tips. Women, young and old, single and married, make up 70% of the “tipped” workers, and in seven states where they are guaranteed a minimum wage, the minimum will be frozen and they will see no raise.

Our message to Senators: “If you, like the bipartisan majority in both houses of Congress, care about increasing the minimum wage, which has been frozen for almost a decade, then vote against H.R. 5970 and insist that it have a free standing vote and not be tied to the estate tax giveaway.”

(NOW – National Organization for Women)

2-A. H.Con.Res. 450 – Ceasefire and Multi-Party Negotiations

The Lebanon-Israel war needs addressing by the US – and not by sending more bombs! I would remind Israel of the “eye for eye” tradition, which was an ancient limiting function with regard to vengence. As an American, I am de facto in a weak position for moralizing these days, so I would only point to the religious tradition. I would remind all peoples of the book that compassion, care, and justice toward one’s neighbor are fundamental.

So…would everyone please just stop it? (It’s worth a try)

Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, has introduced a resolution that calls on President Bush to appeal to all sides for a cessation of hostilities in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict and to commit the United States to multi-party negotiations. The resolution initially had 20 co-sponsors. 14 new members have singed on as cosponsors.

Write to your member today to tell them that as their constituent, you demand that they seek a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. Ask them to sign on to H.Con.Res.450 today!
If your representative has already signed on, thank them for doing so.

(Progressive Democrats of America)

2-B. H.Con Res. 450 – Another Way to Contact on Lebanon/Israel

The United States bears a special moral responsibility in this crisis as the only nation that can bring an end to the violence and relieve the humanitarian catastrophe. The current policy of delay only leads to more unnecessary civilian deaths in both Lebanon and Israel. Ongoing conflict in Lebanon is also likely to have great consequences for the region, the world and the safety of our nation and its allies. Congress needs to step forward and call for an immediate cessation of hostilities by passing H.C.R. 450.

Click here to send a message in support of an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon:

(Act for Change / Working Assets)

3. Emergency Contraception Plan B – Freedom for Family Planning AND a Drastically Reduced Abortion Rate

Religious and political extremists are shamelessly claiming to represent all religion and even all “moral values.” We know there is nothing moral about depriving women of reproductive health care and contraception. There is nothing moral about denying women the right to make private, family decisions, according to their own faith and conscience.

If the Food and Drug Administration would finally approve the emergency contraceptive Plan B for pharmacy sales, nearly half of of U.S. unintended pregnancies could be prevented. Many politicians talk about prevention–here’s a practical way to do something about it!

For almost three years, the FDA has pandered to right- wing interest groups and delayed pharmacy sales of Plan B. Many medical organizations and the Food and Drug Administration’s own panel of experts have concluded that the drug is safer than aspirin for over-the-counter use.

The pro-choice religious community thinks our government can do better. Tell the FDA: Using birth control is the responsible and moral thing to do. Children deserve to be born to families prepared for parenthood.

Don’t let extremists take away our rights and freedoms!

(Religious coalition for Reproductive Choice)

4. Urge Congress to support the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act

It may not seem a big thing compared to these others…. but Americans owe a large debt to horses. I’m not a vegetarian, but everyone has their limits.

Horses are Friends, not Food. (Nod to “Finding Nemo”)

Finding Nemo

Last year, more than 90,000 horses were butchered to be served on dinner plates in Europe and Asia. Tens of thousands more of America’s horses were exported from the U.S. and slaughtered in other countries. The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act would prohibit the transport, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of any horse to be slaughtered for human consumption.

Sign this petition now and urge your representatives to support the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act!

(Care2 – Make a Difference)

Where was the Gator Fleet in Lebanon?

Where was the Gator Fleet in Lebanon?

There’s a lot of back and forth about charging Americans for transport out of Lebanon, but here’s a more interesting question.

Why is the U.S. chartering civilian ships to transport Americans out of Lebanon anyway? XPatriated Texan is “really teed-off”:

When I was serving, we always had a “Gator fleet” – a battle group ready to conduct amphibious operations such as this – in the Mediterannean Sea. It was a standard part of ensuring worldwide security. With the increased need for security in that area in these times, it is a dereliction of duty to not have a ship within striking distance – and make no mistakes, one of these ships could make it from one end of the Med to the other in a couple of days. At least one should have already been moving when the bombs began falling in Lebanon late last week.

They should be there just off shore, projecting US power and serving the worldwide interests of peace by evacuating non-combatant personel and offering genuine humanitarian aid.

Read the whole post.

Violence in the Middle East

Violence in the Middle East

If you’re wondering why I haven’t blogged on the current violence in the Middle East, it’s because my opinion is not as well-informed as it could be. I don’t feel qualified to stand forth with an analysis.

I don’t trust much of what I’m hearing in the news, especially knowing that there is a lot of history there. What we are getting is a snapshot viewpoint here and there. My overall feeling so far is that there is plenty of blame, and a fair bit of hypocrisy and spin, to go around. I would like to hear viewpoints from countries that are a lot less involved in that part of the world.

As the violence has escalated more and more people are being killed.

I hope there are people already there (and with greater skill than Condi) who can help negotiate an end to this bloodshed.