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The Problem with Fundamentalists

The Problem with Fundamentalists

Welcome to my blog of random musings.

Before Oswald, did snipers have “nests”?

Someone posted an anonymous comment on my tag board saying that they peed in my pool. I’m assuming it’s an alumn from Attleboro High School. It’s been that kind of a week. Here’s my fundamentalism poem – a former fundy JW myself, I can do this. 😉

The Problem with Fundamentalists
(with apologies to John Cale)

The problem with fundamentalists
They live by the rules
No matter the context
The rules always rule

The problem with a fundamentalist
She looks at a sentence
Whole chapters and books
And she stops at the sentence

The problem with a fundamentalist
He stops at the light
No one coming, wife in labor
He still stops at the light

The problem with fundamentalists
Their god is too cruel
Ruled by their own fears
They too become cruel

The problem with fundamentalists
They’ve missed the whole point
All courage and faith
Aimed at the wrong point