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Thinking Blogger Award for VirusHead

Thinking Blogger Award for VirusHead

I’ve been selected for the Thinking Blogger Award! Jolly Roger at Reconstitution was kind enough to name me as a Thinking Blogger.

Virushead Thinking Blogger Award

VirusHead – Heidi is a recovered Jehova’s Witness and first rate progressive thinker. She covers everything from warm and personal to wretched and Presidential.

Thank you, JR! You’d have been on my picks, too, but I suppose that tagging you right back wouldn’t be in the spirit of the thing.

The Thinking Blogger award is actually a meme, but it’s a clever one because it challenges you to name – and describe – five more blogs that make you think. Surfing around in the list is very fun.

I’ve been swamped under a couple of freelance projects, but I’ve finally got a few minutes to participate. So….

5 Blogs That Make Me Think

  1. Bitch Ph.D. – A kind of sister in spirit. Love the header image – cheers me up every time I see it. Edgy, witty, personal, professional, entertaining – it’s like reading my dream best friend’s diary. I was very upset to have missed her recent visit to Emory. John met her, but I would have appreciated it more. Bah!
  2. Hail Dubyas (An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum) – A cunning combination of satirical cartoons and well-written commentary. About once a week, this makes me break from my zombie-like computer stare into a grin and giggle.
  3. Pandagon – I know, but I was reading Pandagon and Shakespeare’s Sister++ before everybody else knew them because of the whole Edwards thing. Amanda’s Pandagon blog is a treasure to me. That’s all. Reading it is never a waste of my time. I love her thoughtful flippancy.
  4. Theospora (Oh, God, Grow Up) – Stimulates chains of fractal reflections. We have some common ground, and the differences are always instructive and helpful.
  5. Prose and Thorn (The Place for Pointed Prose) – Sometimes acerbic, always progressive essays. Beyond the content, I enjoy PB’s creative turns of phrase.

Congratulations, you won a Thinking Blogger Award!

Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

  1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
  2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
  3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (there is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

++I’d name Shakespeare’s Sister too, but it’s now a big ole’ group blog at Shakesville. Check it out anyway.



Where one drop of blood drains a castle of life, so one kiss can bring it alive again.
-The Sleeping Beauty

Could you ever really be serious with someone whose kiss didn’t curl your toes?

It’s in his kiss, that’s where it is.

I found a bunch of kiss quizzes. Have fun.

You Are a Sensitive Kisser

For you, kissing is a way to connect

And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy

It may take you a while to kiss someone…

But when you do, it’s total fireworks

Kissing Personality
You are earth. You love being treated like a princess, and you prize commitment and loyalty in a relationship. A boyfriend fills a practical need for you (he’s like a permanent party date), so you’d rather have one than not. Your prince is probably a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.
What’s Your Kissing Personality?

Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Empire Strikes Back

“Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited.”

Are You a Good Kisser?

Play-By-Play Lip Locker
You make an attentive kisser because you enjoy the melding of you and your partner’s kissing style. Depending on the mood and the moment, you may be more adventurous or more soft and gentle. It may take you and your partner some time to really get down a compatible style, but once you do, kisses can become very intense because they are showing the deep connection you and your partner have with each other. Make sure to allow things to happen naturally rather than focusing so much on technique. Be confident in your skills and open to new styles of kissing.

Which anime kiss are you?

You are kiss #56! Very passionate
Take this quiz!

…then I did the simplest thing in the world.
I leaned down… and kissed him.
And the world cracked open.
-Agnes de Mille

Do you Fight Fair?

Do you Fight Fair?

You Fight Fair

For you, a fight is not about proving you’re right.
Instead, it’s about discussing and resolving difficult issues.
You don’t look for fights, but you don’t avoid them either.
You realize that clearing the air is good, when you go about it the right way.
VirusHead Johari Window

VirusHead Johari Window

Which words do you associate with me?

My Interactive Johari Window

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

Ongoing tabulated results will be here. I’m about to add a link on the sidebar. The Interactive Johari Window was installed and grouted by

(thanks to Mysticalgrrl and Andrena)