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Unconscious Mutterings 183

Unconscious Mutterings 183

Unconscious Mutterings

Weekly Unconscious Mutterings Meme – Week 183

I say … and you think … ?

  1. Affair :: of the heart, Family (that dates me), adultery, euphemism

    Family Affair: Season 2

  2. Package :: books, chunky, tied up wtih string, delivery
  3. Warner :: Brothers, Time, Dena, cartoons
  4. Drop :: cookie, balance, from the tree, down, silver, drip
  5. Balance :: drop (nice reversal there), sneakers, beam, centered, judicial, viewpoint
  6. Shore :: rocky, cliffs, New England, hug, lighthouse, hurricane, up
  7. Confirmation :: notice, payment, tickets, hearings, appointment
  8. Nose :: nuzzle, ugga-mugga, Pinocchio (and see HK), pry, needle
  9. Talking :: low, points, whispering, together, conversation, negotiation, reconciled
  10. Bend :: it (name of a song I used to warm up to), stretch, break, flex, rules

And here’s an example of the ugga-mugga, almost at the end.

Did you know that Mister Rogers once saved PBS from Nixon? This is terrific!

I would love to see a warrior of caring such as this change hearts and minds in Washingon today. I loved Mister Rogers (and I liked the comedy sketches based on him too – it was easy to make fun of him, and many did). But what a wonderful voice and what a great form of communication, especially for children. Now, as a mom, as an American, as someone who can still be affected even today by what he is saying here and how he is saying it, I can’t help but think that this is the kind of thing we’ve been missing in our public discourse.

We don’t have a love and peace movement, and I can’t see how one could succeed at the moment. Our religious leaders seem to present more of a problem than a solution. The progressive faithful still lack strong voices in the public sphere.

Are there still people who can speak in contemporary terms, who can speak like this? Wouldn’t that be something to see? Imagine how differently Senate hearings would go, for instance, if the testimonies rang with authenticity, not mendacity.