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Tag: national debt

The American National Debt – Laurie Anderson PSA

The American National Debt – Laurie Anderson PSA

Here is the next video in the sequence of (promised) Saturday installments of Laurie Anderson‘s private/public service announcements.

This one is exponentially more relevant now than it was when she made it.

Is anyone but me panicked about what the size of our national debt means for America’s future?


Notice the amount on the sign of United States public debt. It was approaching four trillion at the time, accruing about $8000 per second. She was concerned.

Well, it has more than doubled since then. According to the Treasury of the United States, on 8-2-07 the debt stood at $8,945,504,468,375.99.

Just so you’re aware. Are you aware?

Least Immoral Choice in Iraq

Least Immoral Choice in Iraq

We still haven’t heard an answer to the basic question: for what “noble cause” have we invaded Iraq?

Are we in Iraq just to secure the oil for the energy companies that get so much support of every kind from the US government?

Not to be a party pooper or anything, but what about the death and pain and chaos and suffering? What is the reason for the sacrifices of U.S. and other allied soldiers? What is the justification for the thousands killed on every side?

For what reason have we punched the hornet’s nest in Iraq?

For what are we going into further, almost unthinkable debt?

How much longer will we turn away from the reality?

Declare war, or cut executive powers of war.

Argue for oil interests, or stop killing for them. You can’t tell me that we don’t have permanent bases along the pipeline.

Don’t send thousands more Americans out there. How does that help anything at all?

I’m just waiting for the someone to start making comparisons between the executions of Saddam and Jesus. USA Pilate and Judas, all mixed into one. Yeah, we made him, and we’ll make sure he’s hung like a witch… start the taunting…

Look! Look at reality. This is not a movie.

Wake up, America. Your future is being stolen from you, too.

The thing I remember most vividly is the soldiers screaming in pain and crying out for their mothers. My mother went up and down the aisles holding their hands, stroking their brows, giving them sips of water. My sister helped light their cigarettes. Many of them were amputees. Some had no stomachs, some had no faces. …

I hope that when President Bush discusses sending more troops to Iraq, knowing that we will have to pull out sooner rather than later, that the conversation comes around to the human suffering. Does anyone at the table ask about the personal anguish, the long-term effects, emotional, psychological and financial, on the families of those killed, wounded or permanently disabled?

When I hear about the surge, all I can think of is those young soldiers on the plane to Texas. We have already lost more than 3,000 soldiers, and many more have been wounded and disabled.

We have three choices here. All three are immoral. We can keep the status quo and gradually pull out; we can surge; or we can pull out now. When I think about those young soldiers on that plane coming back from Japan years ago, I believe pulling out now is the least immoral choice.

from The Least Immoral Choice: Squander No More U.S. Lives in Iraq
By Sally Quinn
(Washington Post Tuesday, January 9, 2007; Page A15)
(Sally Quinn is a co-moderator of On Faith, an online conversation on religion.)

American Idiots

American Idiots

It is an extraordinary time.

  • We borrow money from other countries so that rich people don’t have to pay taxes.
  • We borrow money from other countries and let private corporations steal it.

And somehow, the American people seem to be all right with that.

“Like” a third-world country?

“Like” a third-world country?

If you want to live in the America you’ve heard about, you’ve got to start noticing what’s really happening. A democracy requires your attention and participation. Drollette has a few choice words for those who don’t understand that by many standard measures, we are a kind of banana republic. The comparisons have been made by others, with more facts and figures, but I like the wording here. The article is worth reading (actually the “Smirking Chimp” site, despite its dehumanizing name, has been picking up better and better articles over the last few months – check out the headlines on the right-hand menu).

The Mark Drolette: ‘What do you mean, it’s ‘like’ living in a Third World country?’ – Smirking Chimp

As the blistering is applied, one refrain is heard with regularity: “This is America, not some Third World country.”

Hmm. Well, when I think of a Third World country, I think of one where the already-filthy rich get much richer at the expense of the ever-poorer, where millions go without basic health care, where elections are fixed, where education becomes a privilege only for the privileged, where the environment is poisoned and plundered, where national debt is mega-astronomical, where women’s rights are under pressure, where government is corrupt and squarely in the filching hands of Big Business, where labor is vilified and oppressed, where civil liberties are stripped, where precious resources are thrown away on, oh, let’s say, bombs and tanks and ships and planes while its citizens go hungry…

And where the country’s leadership doesn’t care if its own people die. Not until, that is, the dying is done out in the open and is no longer out of the newspapers.

Some readers may know I’m planning to retire to Costa Rica next year, a country that carries Third World status. Costa Rica has national health care, a literacy rate in the mid-90s, clean water, safe food, a fine educational system, a quarter of its land dedicated to national parks, and no standing military. I’ve often mused how nice it would be if those things could be found in “advanced” America.

So who’s zooming who?

Many, if not most, of us who have been paying attention to America’s gradual (and intentional) dismantling over the last two decades, accelerating to warp-speed during King George’s reign, cannot be surprised at what’s happened in New Orleans and the Gulf States over the past week. Aghast, yes. Surprised, no.

With a little help

With a little help

A roundup from some of my reads.

An Etherealgirl’s Adventures in Cyberland has been following opinion and news on New Orleans and is just as miserable and angry as I am. She points to the Time Photo Essay, and some of the coverage at Daily Kos (see the video from Hannity and Colmes – “Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said “let’s get this in perspective,” Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, “This is perspective!” It was shocking.” What’s happening is even worse than the hurricane itself – people are locked in, starving, no sanitation, with checkpoints at the bridges turning people back.

Raven’s Retreat finds the government reponse to Katrina unacceptable, and urges them to “get off their asses and help those people.”

PusBoy knows about where Bush’s bread is buttered. He quotes from Yahoo news: “Asked if U.S. oil companies should forfeit profits during the crisis, Bush said instead American corporations should contribute cash to hurricane relief funds.” Pusboy notes that the “donations” would not begin to approach the levels of record profits. I agree with his two-word summary.

Richard at Love Ministries posts on the responsiblities of caring, loving people. ” “It would be unloving, and thus, antispiritual, to say that an important event or issue is “political,” and hence, to imply that it is somehow “outside” of spirituality. For spirituality is life, and everything in life, that has to do with justice, fairness, the poor, society, the nation, and the world. So, when a compassionate person sees the betrayal of people, the abandonment of Love, she is called by Love to expose that ignorance. Loving and conscientious people all throughout history have spoken against tyrants, warmongers, greedmongers, and other corrupt types, especially those in power.”

Lovebevvy at Honey I’m Fabulous seems to be working on the blog, or she has disappeared. Drop me line, wouldja hon?

Gentle Breezes displays a photo of some people on a roof in New Orleans. “Help” is written on the roof in chalk, and they are waving American flags. “About sums it up, eh.. (snip) Now will you tell me, with most of the country being run by incompetent men, why do they give the killer hurricane the name of a woman? Seems to me it should be called George.” She also recommends the BuzzFlash article “Incompetence, Lying and the Betrayal of a Nation: It’s Deja Vu All Over Again — And More Death and Chaos from “The Master of Disaster,” George W. Bush.”

Just Rambling wonders how prepared any of us are for a real emergency, and what we would do (for instance) if we couldn’t afford to buy the gas that was available.

Where the Dolphins Play isn’t surprised that the conservative christian group Repent America issued a statement that God “destroyed” New Orleans for its wickedness, citing a gay-themed event that was supposed to take place there. What next – will Falwell and Robertson chime in too? Sick.

And so, my ever-reliable Grateful Bear has devoted a long post to arguing against the idea of the hurricane as an expression of God’s wrath upon the wicked. I think that it is incredibly pathological that such would be needed, but evidently… He also points to Tony Campolo’s article at BeliefNet – here is a snippet: “Instead of looking for God in the earthquake or the tsunami, in the roaring forest fires blazing in the western states, or in the mighty winds of Katrina, it would be best to seek out a quiet place and heed the promptings of God’s still small voice. That voice will inspire us to bring some of God’s goodness to bear in the lives of those who suffer.”

Mousemusings wonders what Homeland Security actually does. She also points out that prochoicers need to contact the FDA to give them feedback on the morning after pill, which would reduce the number of abortions. If we can control condoms we can control this. A tip from me – you can ask your doctor for a prescription of birth control pills, even if you don’t use them. Find out from your doctor – don’t guess! – what would be the dosage of those pills to use as morning-after pills. Save them for an emergency and make a note of the expiration date. Remember that oral methods of birth prevention do not protect against disease.

Total Information Awareness quotes mondro dentro’s comment at TPM Cafe – and it’s good enough to re-quote: “I don’t think people are yet grasping that America’s cities just simply do not fit into the Republican narrative. Consider: They are full of the poor and minorities. They vote Democratic. They epitomise Modernity and it’s discontents. They consume large amounts of government resources. They are home to the cultural and economic elites most strongly in opposition to a rightist agenda. They are dens of iniquity. From this perspective, the rightist power elite and their base, consciously or not, simply do not care if the cities are destroyed. Indeed, I think many believe, again, perhaps only unconsciously, that the future of America is to be a cityless, suburban, libertarian paradise. A sort of hyper-real post-modern recapitulation of frontier American life. ..So, if you want to know why our cities are not protected, in my view that’s why. It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.”

Oh, and – take a look at this

Anyone have the current deficit amount?

Out national debt, a worse can of worms, is up to $7.9 trillion. In this fiscal year alone, the government has already had to pay more than $315 billion of your money on interest payments to the holders of the national debt (guess who?). Payment of this interest is the third largest expense in the federal budget (for comparision, NASA at $15 billion, Education at $61 billion, and Department of Transportation at $56 billion).

Hard times ahead, friends.

Global Warming Virtual March

Global Warming Virtual March

Join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and make your voice heard!

This one is big enough that it might make some waves.

Some of the other participants are:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Senator John McCain
John H. Adams, President, NRDC
Laurie David, Founder
Senator Joe Lieberman
R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence Agency
Senator Maria Cantwell
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
General Wesley Clark
Andy Stern, President, SEIU
Richard Klausner, MD, Executive Director, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Father Paul Mayer, Co-Founder of the Climate Crisis Coalition
Ross Gelbspan, Author
Gus Speth, Dean, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Al Franken, Author, Air America Radio
Leonardo DiCaprio, Actor, Environmental Activist
Martha Marks, Pres., REP America
Susan Joy Hassol, Independent Scholar
Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, Geosciences and Intern’l Affairs, Princeton University

An excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s call to action:

…we have the technology to avert catastrophic global warming. We only need to muster the political will. We must require our leadership in Washington to once again mobilize our country’s scientific and technological capacity – the way America did to win World War II against the Nazis in 1945, to put a man on the moon in 1969, and to fix the ozone crisis in 1988. Today, we need a Apollo project to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, we need our leadership to muster America’s capacity for invention and innovation, our entrepreneurial energies and our willingness to sacrifice –and deploy our invigorated nation to rescue human civilization.

Second, all the actions we must take to avert this global warming, are things America ought to be doing anyhow to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, our entanglement with petty dictators, our vulnerability to price shocks on the international oil markets, and to improve our national security, modify our trade deficits, reduce our national debt, stimulate our economy, create new jobs, and give our children clean air and water, robust health and safer, more wholesome communities. Immediate dramatic action on global warming will restore America’s global leadership and our moral authority among the nations of earth.

We are asking you to help us express your own commitment to stop global warming through a single act of community – a giant petition drive that we call the “Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington.” Over the next year, we will mobilize millions of Americans to join our march and make their personal commitment known by joining together to urge Washington to begin taking the steps necessary to derail global warming.

Our mandate to stop global warming transcends politics. It is a moral imperative. The battle to save the planet is the ultimate human rights struggle and, as with America’s civil rights movement, the first steps must be to mobilize citizens to remind our elected leaders of their moral obligation. Global warming is a theft of our children’s future. It is criminal and sinful.

It would mean a lot to me if you would join under my personal impact page.