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Don’t Kill Last 300 Whales for Navy Training

Don’t Kill Last 300 Whales for Navy Training

Tell the U.S. Navy to Protect Right Whales from Deadly Sonar!

Only 300 North Atlantic right whales are believed to exist — and unfortunately their migratory route goes right through the area where the U.S. Navy plans to unleash lethal mid-frequency sonar off North Carolina’s coast.

Ear-splitting military sonar is needlessly killing whales and other marine mammals throughout the world’s oceans. Yet the U.S. Navy wants to put a training range for lethal mid-frequency sonar right next to a key migratory route for endangered right whales off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

Please urge the Navy to find a place and a time for training that is less likely to harm some of the most magnificent creatures on Earth.

(NRDC Action Fund, see statement by James Taylor)