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Tag: New York Times

25 Random Meme Hits the Press

25 Random Meme Hits the Press

The highly successful Facebook meme “25 Random Things about Me” has now – for good or ill – made it into the major news media. Time, Salon, and newspapers like the New York Times and the Boston Globe have all carried stories on the trendy epidemic and how it’s vectored.

It’s only a variation of the memes bloggers have been playing with for more than five years now, but considering the viral theme I think it’s kinda neat that I’m third on Google.

25 Random Things about Me - Virushead
25 Random Things about Me - Virushead
Website Feedback for the New York Times

Website Feedback for the New York Times

I can’t get out this afternoon to pick up a copy of the New York Times.

I get an email from a friend, saying that I just have to read Paul Krugman’s column.
At the site, there is this teaser:

For God’s Sake By PAUL KRUGMAN
Published: April 13, 2007

The infiltration of the federal government by large numbers of people seeking to impose a religious agenda is one of the most important stories of the last six years.

If it’s so important, why can’t I read it?

Well, because Krugman has become one of the New York Times “Select” subscriber-only columns. It costs about $8.00 a month.

Grumble, grumble, boo-hiss.

Here’s a better idea:

Charge twenty-five or less per article. That’s still a lot more than it’s worth (considering how many articles are in the paper, and the cost of an entire paper).