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Tag: ontology

At the Semantic Technology Conference

At the Semantic Technology Conference

Many more of my questions about semantic technologies and their applications have been answered in the last couple of days. There were a couple of outstanding sessions today, but even more helpful were the informal conversations taking place all around the conference area.

I think I’ll probably have to make a distinction between long-term interoperability modeling goals and short-term projects that address specific needs. I’ve got a lot more resources to add to my toolbox now, and a better understanding of the context and history of what’s happening with this kind of technology. It turns out that there is also an academic version of this conference, and a few publications, so I can probably start to follow some of the wider theoretical questions there. For what I need to do, I’ll have to be more practical.

I helped out at an informal book signing today. One of the authors had just finished an excellent presentation (two perspectives on ontology – big O and little o – “the Two Towers” – {grin}) and he was tied up in conversation. Meanwhile, the other author was trying to swipe credit cards and make change and sign books to each person. There was a long line of people waiting, so I jumped in and took care of the selling transactions so that he could just sign the books. I don’t think they expected such a response – two boxes of books sold out rather quickly. The book looks very helpful. Check it out at Amazon:

I had intended to blog on the conference in more detail, but I’m too tired. These have been long days – worthwhile, but tiring.