In my new daily planner, I made a list yesterday of the things I need to do. They are roughly in order of priority:
- Get a present for my nephew
- Go to my nephew’s birthday party
- Learn how to use Gantt Project
- Create a master plan with timeline, resources, and subtasks for work
- Take down the Christmas tree – yes, really
- Get an oil change for my car
- Do laundry
- Call Mom and Gramma
- Pack away the clothes I’m not wearing
- Clean the house
- Install new light fixtures at the front door
- Pack up some kid clothes to send off for my other nephew
- Pack up some books for Mom and Gramma
- Pack up some books to bring to work
- Get a new filter for the furnace
- Measure the screen door to replace it
- Empty the calcium crystals out of the faucets and showerheads
- Get an estimate from plumber: three new toilets, water pressure issue
- Pick out the flooring for the kitchen
- Pick out the paint for the kitchen
- Buy the paint for the kitchen
- Paint the kitchen
- Buy the kitchen flooring
- See if I have any barter-strength left from freelancing
- Tighten the screws on the back door
- Get an estimate for non-fiberglass insulation
- Pack up all the non-family items in the basement
Clean the basement Get the basement cleaned
- Reorganize the garage
- Reorganize the kitchen
- See how much it would cost for broadband to be cabled in a couple more convenient places
- Sell, give away, or toss all the stuff that needs to go away
- Find out how much the hot tub repair might be
- Flip the mattresses
- Tally up lightbulb needs, buy, install
- Watch The Prestige so I can finally get my next Netflix
- See how much it would cost to replace the upstairs carpeting
- Work on the novels
- Read stuff I should read
- Read stuff I want to read
So, for this weekend, I’ve done 1 and 6 already. I’ll do 2 shortly. 3, 4, 5 and 8 are non-negotiable and must be done.
Most of the rest of the stuff will probably not happen – again. Maybe the laundry and some cleaning, if I don’t get too tied up with the work stuff, or suddenly get inspired to write (that’s when it’s bound to happen).
There is a kind of a disconnect in my priority structure. I’m pretty selfish with my time, I guess.
See? I’m blogging when I have all this other stuff to do. I’m supposed to be at the party in 45 minutes, and I haven’t even taken a shower yet.
Better scurry.