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Tag: popcorn

Popcorn and Woolworth

Popcorn and Woolworth

Today in history is brought to you via my emails from Centrum.  On February 22:

1630: A Native American named Quadequina brings popcorn to the first Thanksgiving celebration, introducing the English colonists to the popping kernels that had been grown for more than 1,000 years on the North American continent.

Hey, Centrum, how about letting us know the name of the tribe? Googled it – it’s the Wampanoag tribe. Ok, the leadership of Quadequina and his brother Massasoit was what allowed for the umbrella of friendship and protection afforded the Pilgrims.

They had popcorn??? Why isn’t that part of the Thanksgiving tradition?

Isn’t it about think we reexamine America’s Thanksgiving holiday?

There are so many questions about this odd holiday, and so little that is actually taught or celebrated – or acknowledged – about the truths of it.

1879: Frank Winfield Woolworth opens his Great 5 Cents Store in Utica, New York. He pledges to sell everything for a nickel or less. Woolworth went on to open "five and ten" stores across the nation.

I always heard it as "five and dime" – although that doesn’t make sense.

Instead of the wonderful Woolworths stores I remember with great fondness, we now have junky "dollar stores."

I much preferred the five and dime.