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Tag: prayers for rain

Bush Loyalists Admit Impotence

Bush Loyalists Admit Impotence

Governor Sonny Perdue is joining lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the Georgia state Capitol to pray for rain.

How totally embarrassing.

Well, Bush let ’em down – “Tough luck, Georgia.”

Water is not a partisan issue. You have water or you don’t.

They’ve known about the potential problems of a rapidly-expanding state (and city) population for some time.

Instead of planning and accountability, we get prayers. They’ve made noises about it being interdenominational, but here that probably means something like Presbyterian, along with Methodist and Bapist.

Dry, dour, hypocritical prayers.

I doubt they’ll even have any good chants or dances… they don’t really have a good relationship with the environment anyway.

They have handed the problem off to a higher power, one that doesn’t really get into micromanaging local weather systems.

I’m waiting for some evangelist to claim that the drought is God’s punishment on Georgia for tolerating Atlanta (or some equally fluffernut theory that might play into the fears of the dreadfully misled and manipulated).