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Tag: press release

Propaganda Action: Tell FCC to Enforce Fake News Ban

Propaganda Action: Tell FCC to Enforce Fake News Ban

The Center for Media and Democracy has produced a report that documents 98 instances that TV stations used “fake news” – segments that look like journalism but are actually produced to sell a product – by corporations like Pfizer, Intel, General Motors, and Capital One.

Last year, the New York Times (13 March 2005) reported that at least 20 federal agencies also distributed “Video News Releases” on topics such as Iraq and the Medicare prescription drug act.

The FCC announced that it would investigate fake news, but there’s no sign yet that they intend even to enforce their own rules banning it. Such “fake news” segments are required to clearly disclose the fact that they are produced by the government or other entities.

Send a message to FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin, urging him to enforce the ban on fake news (True Majority)