Happy Easter and Mystical Bunny with Eggs Day!
Catchin’ up with a few friend-blogs for a semi-random roundup…
Richard Shining Thunder has a new radio show in Cincinnati called High Spirits. Listen in at 1530AM WCKY, Cincinnati or online Sat 8-9 PM. I’ll personally vouch for him. He’s one of the good guys. Call in from 8-9 PM EST with spiritual questions and concerns – 877-345-3779.
Grateful Bear posts on a Pentacostal scholar who argues for the idea of the Holy Spirit moving like a wind through all the world’s religions. Great post! Call me to catch up when you’ve got a chance.
Etherealfire has a wonderful blessing for the day.
Just-Rambling thinks a surrender box is good idea. For an astonishing variety of reasons, I think so too.
No no no! It can’t be!!! Virtual Pus is gone! “2002-2006 – Killed by hackers”!?!? Come back!!!
Mr. H.K. skipped church today and instead went to the Museum of Modern Art’s opening of “Without boundaries: seventeen ways of looking,” featuring work by artists who come from the Islamic world. I’d better not link to his naughty naughty Easter graphic (heh -heh).
The philosofairy at Mermaid Tavern tells us why Arizona is the smartest state.
Rosei is planning her wedding as the rain pelts down in Brazil. I have fallen behind on the Photomeme posts, but not to worry, Rosei! John and Ben got me a digital camera for my birthday and it should arrive this week. I’ll catch up.
Raven, embroiled in activities with the boys, wishes everyone a Happy Easter/Ostara.
Lovebevvy is getting ready for a big move and new beginnings. Good luck Bev!
Mystical Grrl really has her hands full, as usual! Deep breaths Sara! Sending thoughts of warmth and calmness, and wishing you the very best of all news on the pregnancy. And I agree with you about the dog-sitting.
Dolphin and Leena have great feline Easter pics.
And keep your eyes out for the latest Progressive Faith Carnival Roundup!