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Tag: PSA

Democratic Party and Democrat, not Democrat Party

Democratic Party and Democrat, not Democrat Party

I’ve been noticing an upsurge lately in the frequency of some Republicans referring to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party.”

It’s not the Democrat Party. It’s the Democratic Party.

A member of the Democratic Party is a Democrat.

I don’t know what the right-wing imagines might be gained by referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party. The far right seems to think that this terminology works as a pejorative. It doesn’t. It just makes you sound a little bit stupid, and not in a way that makes anyone want to hang out with you.

It’s just silly.

I’m grateful that no-one on the other side seems to have fallen for any mirroring. The “Republic Party” is even more absurd than the “Democrat Party.”

I’ve heard this a lot lately, even on relatively reputable news programs.

What baffles me is why no-one ever seems to correct the person who says it. They just let it slide, and I suppose it’s meant to affect us in some subliminal fashion.

Word to intelligent Republicans, talking-point authors, and assorted blowhards: It doesn’t work.

Inside of insidiously slithering into our minds, it only just makes the speaker seem even more annoying.

Time to retire it.

This has been a public service announcement.

The American National Debt – Laurie Anderson PSA

The American National Debt – Laurie Anderson PSA

Here is the next video in the sequence of (promised) Saturday installments of Laurie Anderson‘s private/public service announcements.

This one is exponentially more relevant now than it was when she made it.

Is anyone but me panicked about what the size of our national debt means for America’s future?


Notice the amount on the sign of United States public debt. It was approaching four trillion at the time, accruing about $8000 per second. She was concerned.

Well, it has more than doubled since then. According to the Treasury of the United States, on 8-2-07 the debt stood at $8,945,504,468,375.99.

Just so you’re aware. Are you aware?

Women and Money PSA

Women and Money PSA

This is the second in the VirusHead Saturday postings of Laurie Anderson’s Public (Personal) Service Announcements.

It’s about the response of a “bunny” at the Playboy Club, where protesters (including Anderson) were calling attention to the economic exploitation of women and the treatment of women as animals.


So if you want to talk about women and money….


National Anthem PSA

National Anthem PSA

A new VirusHead tradition begins here. Now.

Every Saturday I will post another of Laurie Anderson’s public service announcements. She actually calls them personal service announcements.

Just a few little tidbits for you to ruminate upon. (Please make more, Laurie.)

The first PSA that I’ve chosen is called “National Anthem.”


The words are great though..just a lot of questions, written during a fire…. things like:

Hey, do you see anything over there?
I don’t know, there’s a lot of smoke.

Say, isn’t that a flag?
Hmmmm…Couldn’t say really. It’s pretty early in the morning.

Hey – do you smell something burning?