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Tag: scandals

Caught My Eye

Caught My Eye

What caught my eye this morning, in no particular order…

And (even) weird(er) news…

A drunken German man climbed into an emergency postbox for unwanted babies, slid down the chute and landed in an incubator. Medical staff found him there, smoking a cigarette.

Ummm…there are postboxes for unwanted babies?

Hundreds of babies have been deposited in the boxes set up across Germany and Austria since the scheme started five years ago. It came into effect after more and more young mums unable to cope with their newborns had been abandoning them on the street. The baby boxes offered a safe ‘no questions asked’ alternative.

I’m assuming it’s not like a roadside postal box. It’s got to be more like an ATM, right? On the outside of a hospital? I’m trying to imagine a newborn sliding down a “chute” into an incubator. How does that work? I want to see a photo.