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9.4 Million Uninsured Children in America

9.4 Million Uninsured Children in America

The number of uninsured children from birth through age 18 rose for the second year in a row, according to new data released earlier this week by the U.S. Census Bureau.

In the last year alone, another 707,000 children have been added to bring the total to more than 9.4 million uninsured children in America.

This increase is more than double the jump from 2004 to 2005.

This alarming jump demonstrates that our children need a strong national safety net so that every child has access to the health coverage needed to survive and thrive. It is shameful that despite overwhelming public support and passage of bipartisan bills in both houses of Congress that would provide health coverage to millions more uninsured children, the President appears to be doing everything in his power to prevent children from getting the critical health coverage they need. Not only has President Bush threatened to veto these bills, more recently, the Bush administration issued harsh new rules for those trying to enroll in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) — rules that will substantially increase the number of uninsured children.

Help your Members of Congress stand up to the President as children’s health legislation comes up for a final vote in September — contact them today and let them know that every child matters and comprehensive health insurance for all children is important to you.

(From the Children’s Defense Fund)