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Tag: secrecy

Watchtower Society/Jehovah’s Witnesses GUILTY – Must Pay Millions in Punitive Damages in Child Sex Abuse Case

Watchtower Society/Jehovah’s Witnesses GUILTY – Must Pay Millions in Punitive Damages in Child Sex Abuse Case

I am overjoyed to see some traction on this issue at last.

The jury found that the elders who managed the Fremont congregation in the 1990s and who were under the supervision of Watchtower knew that Kendrick, a member, had recently been convicted of the sexual abuse of another child, but they kept his past record secret from the congregation, said Simons. Kendrick went on to molest the plaintiff, who was a Jehovah’s Witness member in Fremont, over a two-year period beginning when she was 9 years old, the lawsuit contended. Kendrick was eventually convicted in 2004 of the sexual abuse of another girl, and is now a registered sex offender in California, Simons said. He has not been criminally charged with abusing the plaintiff, but Simons said the case is under investigation by law enforcement.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ legal entity, is responsible for the entire punitive damages amount and 40 percent of the compensatory damages, said Rick Simons, attorney for the plaintiff. Sixty percent of the compensatory damages was assessed against Jonathan Kendrick, the man accused of abusing her.

Yes, the Watchtower Society (along with their other “arms,” aka the “Jehovah’s Witnesses,”) have a policy of secrecy, as has been proven through the elder’s manual, “judicial” correspondence, the database of abusers that a Bethelite discovered, and numerous court cases that show that they neither notify the congregation nor even attempt to protect children when they are aware of sexual predators and violent abusers in their midst.

The key issue in the case, according to the victim’s attorney Rick Simons of Hayward, was the written policy of Watchtower New York, Inc., which instructed all Elders in Jehovah’s Witnesses Congregations in the United States to keep reports of child sex abusers within Jehovah’s Witnesses secret to avoid lawsuits. The case is believed to be the first in the nation to directly address the policy of secrecy, adopted in 1989, and still in force today.

Yes, they have a policy of requiring two witnesses to any act of abuse (any attempt by a victim of any kind of abuse to get help from the elders, even with support from someone else, is considered “slanderous.”) They have to twist a rather obscure bible verse out of context to support this doctrine. And – of course – they encourage spying and reporting for all kinds of other things, some of them rather trivial.

Yes, they have a history of discouraging members from seeking help from any “worldly authorities” such as police or therapists. Such “worldly authorities” are believed to be ruled by Satan and therefore cannot be trusted. This effectively cuts off all possibility of help for those who wish to remain “in good standing.”

Yes, they have a policy of lying in court, which they call “theocratic strategy.” They comply with the law only just as far as they have to, but prefer to be the only authority in their member’s lives. They hide their totalitarianism with “servant” language, but some people might have a better historical idea of what a “circuit overseer” or “district overseer” might really be.

They need to change these policies, and others (such as the demonizing and shunning – even by their families – of those who eventually choose a different path in the freedom of conscience that they freely claim when trying to convert others).

In 2007, 17 victims shared a $13 million dollar settlement from church officials. It involved victims in three states California , Texas and Oregon and six Jehovah Witnesses perpetrators.

To those who have been making unfounded accusations about Candace Conti’s motives, please note that she requested 144,000 cents in punitive damages, and the jury instead granted 21 million (plus one!) dollars. I hope that his case – and the financial costs to Watchtower Society, including those of the many others who were silenced with settlements including gag orders – will force whatever section of the legal organization currently responsible for “new light” (changes in doctrine) to be less paranoid, misogynistic, and uncaring when they exercise their “guidance” as “God’s only channel.”

144000 cents requested, 21 million +1 awarded in punitive damages
Punitive Damages: 144,000 (!) cents Requested – 21 million plus 1 (!) dollars Awarded. Thanks to Steven Unthank at for the graphic.

“Until now, a jury has virtually never held the JW national headquarters responsible for repeated heinous child sex crimes and cover ups by church members or officials,” said William H. Bowen of Nashville, TN, who founded and heads a support group for those molested by Jehovah’s Witnesses. “This is a ground-breaking case and a watershed award against an especially callous group of church bureaucrats.”

The Watchtower legal troops haven’t given up yet:

“We’ve got a long ways to go yet before this one is resolved,” he said of the planned appeal. Simons said Jehovah’s Witnesses has sufficient resources, including valuable real estate, to cover the judgment but an appeal could drag out for years.

Whether Jehovah’s Witnesses are correct in their humble claim that they alone possess “the TRUTH” or not (and personally speaking, I don’t believe theirs is a very spiritually mature view of the divinity), they have a responsibility under the law to be less destructive.

“Nothing can bring back my childhood,” Conti told the Oakland Tribune. “But through this (verdict) and through, hopefully, a change in their policy, we can make something good come out of it.”

More! Added 6/17/2012:

Cheney, Cheney

Cheney, Cheney

Oh, the VEEP – Keep an eye on the Washington Post Cheney 4-part series by Barton Gellman and Jo Becker, which will draw on interviews with 200+ people who worked for, with or in opposition to Cheney’s office.

I hope this will open some eyes.

Part I was published today.

Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer. He carried it back out with him after lunch.

In less than an hour, the document traversed a West Wing circuit that gave its words the power of command. It changed hands four times, according to witnesses, with emphatic instructions to bypass staff review. When it returned to the Oval Office, in a blue portfolio embossed with the presidential seal, Bush pulled a felt-tip pen from his pocket and signed without sitting down. Almost no one else had seen the text.

Cheney’s proposal had become a military order from the commander in chief. Foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States were stripped of access to any court — civilian or military, domestic or foreign. They could be confined indefinitely without charges and would be tried, if at all, in closed “military commissions.”

“What the hell just happened?” Secretary of State Colin L. Powell demanded.

Read more…

Oh, and Dick Cheney is still refusing to comply with an executive order governing the handling of classified information. He has treated “as classified” information like the names of industry executives who advised his energy task force, costs and other details about his travel, and Secret Service logs showing who visits his office or official residence. He recently tried to abolish the office that sought to enforce those rules.

Cheney’s office claims it doesn’t have to comply with the order because it is not an “agency” or “entity” within the executive branch, according to Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is investigating the matter.

Waxman scoffed at the assertion, calling it “an absurdity for the ages.”

“The vice president is pretending he isn’t part of the executive branch and the White House is pretending that the rules for protecting classified information are being followed,” he said in a statement.

“The vice president can’t unilaterally decide he is his own branch of government and exempt himself from important, commonsense safeguards for protecting classified information. And he can’t insist he has the powers of both the executive and the legislature branches but the responsibilities of neither. Our Constitution doesn’t work that way,” he said.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was asked in January to resolve the legal dispute, but he has not yet ruled on the issue.

Other Cheney news bits:

And here’s a very interesting story…

Will BAE Scandal of Century Bring Down Cheney?

Addendum 6/25: Very interesting that it appears through a Lyndon LaRouche publication. Man. I wouldn’t normally be given to linking anywhere near there, but if this story holds any truth to it… comment if you’ve seen anything about this anywhere else.

Here are some other links, just in case. One person wasn’t able to click through on the above link.

Here is original article by Jeffrey Steinberg (see also Cheney Plots New Wars To Save His Hide):

On the same topic, by Lyndon LaRouche:

Obvious Sort of Question about US Energy Policy

Obvious Sort of Question about US Energy Policy

How is it that the US Energy Policy is a secret?

How is it that global energy corporations, participants like Enron, and an overseeing Cheney, can produce our policy in secret, and keep it secret from the population?

How could it be that in a democracy (even a weighted representative two-party democracy such as we have) the government can prohibit the citizens of the country from knowing what its own energy policy is?

How is it that more ordinary Americans don’t ask themselves this question? It leads to other questions…

No Immunity for Torture, No Legal Whitewash

No Immunity for Torture, No Legal Whitewash

So this is the new America.

President Bush has now defended the cruel and humiliating treatment of detainees on national television.

Instead of accepting constitutional role of the judgment of the Supreme Court, he has proposed legislation that would retroactively legalize the sham military commissions that the Supreme Court has repudiated.

Bush wants legislation passed that would grant immunity from prosecution to administration officials who sanctioned (and possibly encouraged, codified, ordered) the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment – and would keep the Federal courts from intervening!

Are you awake YET America? Does this sound like YOUR America?

My America doesn’t use or try to legitimize torture, and would never hide people in secret prisons.
My America is a beacon to the rest of the world on human rights and liberties.

Torture. Secrecy. Legal Whitewash.

This President wants to see a lot of new laws written, but not everyone is convinced he will succeed in that. After all, he needs Congress to rubberstamp write the laws and vote the laws into being.

Take a good look. The methods and policies of this administration are increasing the power and heft of terrorism. The war metaphor is itself destructive, and we’ve bound our adversaries together more sucessfully than they ever could have done themselves.

We’ve given away more of our own freedoms and rights than terrorists ever could have taken from us.

We have made a terrible mistake by allowing these people to take power.

America is better than this.

Write, call or e-mail your representatives to let them know that you do not approve of the sidestepping of the Supreme court, the use of torture and other violations of the Geneva conventions or the the secret CIA prisons.

Point out their own role in enabling all of this to have happened, and remind them of the upcoming election (we must assume for sanity’s sake that the elections will take place and that majorities will prevail).

Keep an eye out for actions to take, solutions to offer, discussions for participation. Write a letter to the editor. And please – VOTE in November. The republican campaigns budget is being invested in local smear campaigns and the like. Go to events. Ask about the issues. Participate in your democracy. Insist on public debate on issues of concern to you.

Without an informed and active citizenry, things will only get worse.

Ducking Congressional Oversight – Again

Ducking Congressional Oversight – Again

Republican Pete Hoekstra, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, has criticized Bush for hiding more surveillance programs from Congressional oversight. The NY Times has published his criticism of Bush on this matter.

On Fox News Sunday, Hoekstra said that a whistleblower came to him with several more spying operations that were in danger of being abused without oversight.

Wait… several more??

Hoekstra: …this is actually a case where the whistleblower process was working appropriately. Some people within the intelligence community brought to my attention some programs that they believed we had not been briefed on. They were right. We have now been briefed on those programs, but I wanted to reinforce to the President and to the executive branch in the intelligence community how important and by law–the requirement that they keep the legislative branch informed of what they are doing.

See video at Crooks and Liars

So…. first, an internal whistleblower comes to him because he knows that the legislative branch hasn’t even been informed about several other spying operations.

Then, once it’s clear that this is the case, they are (probably very partially) informed under a question-and-answer format?

Even this Republican ally says

“The U.S. Congress simply should not have to play Twenty Questions to get the information that it deserves under our Constitution.”

So what are you going to do about it, Congress?

What are you going to do about it?

Main Page – WikiThePresidency

Main Page – WikiThePresidency

People For the American Way believes that “a healthy democracy is an informed democracy,” so they have created to establish a single place for the public to both acquire and share information about Executive Branch wrongdoings.

It’s a Wiki, so anyone can edit the site, but there are rules. You must post factual claims (no op-eds), with links to credible supporting material. No spouting off.

Take a look. It’s interesting reading.

Main Page – WikiThePresidency