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Slow Moving Sickness

Slow Moving Sickness

I’ve been leading up to a pretty decent sickness for four days. At first, I was afraid it was related to the contaminated spinach. We eat tons of bagged spinach. I think that if it was e.coli I’d know it by now.

Bit by bit, I’ve gotten just that little bit worse each day. It started with just a little tickle at the back of my throat. Then, I couldn’t sleep very well – I kept waking up. I couldn’t get comfortable, my temperature was too hot, too hold – nothing was just right. Then my eyes got swollen – not itchy, just swollen. My skin got dry. My muscles started to ache. I felt creaky, like I’d suddenly gained about 15 years. Then the sneezing started – and began to alternate with the coughing.So far, no fever – just a slight temperature rise.

I’m not quite sick enough just to say – “Hey, I’m sick! That’s it! I’m staying in bed all day!”

On the other hand, I’m fair to middlin’ miserable. I can’t concentrate, can’t read, can’t enjoy a movie or even a meal. I wander around doing light housework, stopping for a drink of tea or fruit juice or water. I sit and read for ten minutes, then have to stop. I try to rest, but become too uncomfortable to fall asleep.

So I guess I just have to wait until whatever it is – is done with me. My immune system could always use some toughening up, I guess. I can’t sit at the computer anymore. Bye for now.