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Senator Caught In Madam Scandal Plays Victim

Senator Caught In Madam Scandal Plays Victim

Sometimes when people pretend to be super-righteous in public they turn out to have a secret side – a double of all the things they have repressed and projected outwards in hatred of others. It’s a common phenom. I wonder why it so often takes a sexual flavor… Perhaps it’s a side-effect of the obsession the religious right has with sexuality in general?

Right-wing Republican Senator David Vitter is going back to Washington, to pretend nothing has happened.

He was one of the people – of course he was – who called for Clinton’s resignation for having an extramarital affair (an affair, not sex for money).

Hey, isn’t going to prostitutes actually illegal? Where’s the arrest?

Coincidentally, his favorite prostitute shared the name of his wife – “Wendy” – Peter Pan, anyone?

U.S. Senator David Vitter visited a Canal Street brothel several times beginning in the mid-1990s, paying $300 per hour for services at the bordello after he met the madam at a fishing rodeo that included prostitutes and other politicians, according to Jeanette Maier, the “Canal Street Madam” whose operation was shut down by a federal investigators in 2001.

A fishing rodeo? A fishing rodeo? Riiiiiiiiiii-ight.

See their video statement, in which Wendy invokes both church and children in an effort to call off the press. Hey, that’s the price you pay as a public figure involved in a sex scandal.

Crooks and Liars » Disgraced Senator Caught In DC Madam Scandal Speaks Out – Plays The Victim Card And Refuses To Resign

David Vitters, Wendy Vitters - uh, the dress?

Lame. And slimy. And predictable.

I’m looking at his wife. And I’m not saying anything.

I’m saying nothing at all. I’m specifically not asking how they met.

I’m definitely not implying anything about her own background, especially not based on something so superficial as her appearance.

Or her choice of a dress for this particular occasion.

I see nothing. I hear nothing. Nothing. Just call me Sargent Schultz.