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Girl Scouts, hmmm

Girl Scouts, hmmm

So the U.S. Girl Scouts are offering membership to Muslim girls as a “chance to fit in“?

“It is kind of cool to say that you are a girl scout,” Asma said. “It is good to have something to associate yourself with other Americans. I don’t want people to think that I am a hermit, that I live in a cave, isolated and afraid of change. I like to be part of society. I like being able to say that I am a girl scout just like any other normal girl.”

Hitler Youth Uniform originally
uploaded by NeueDeutsche


The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have always been so welcoming to non-white, non-christian people, haven’t they?

I mean, this is great, I guess, if you want to be a girl scout… I never did.

They weren’t as creepy as the Boy Scouts, but I just never felt any attraction.

In college, I felt the same way about sororities…

The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The troop leader said that she could not join the group because of her disabilities. In tears, Marika signed, “Please, Mommy, tell her I’ll be good. Tell her I’ll be quiet.

The Girl Scouts settled a human rights complaint this week that accused them of excluding a 9-year-old girl from at least five troops in upstate New York because she was infected with H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS. The Scouts admitted no wrongdoing but agreed not to bar girls like her in the future.

In Chicago, Winkler & Poloncarz filed suit in federal court challenging the City of Chicago’s operation of scout troops affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America. The suit alleged that the City’s policy excludes participants from City-operated scouting programs based on religious belief and sexual orientation. The City eventually entered into a binding agreement in which it formally ended all support for scouting programs as long as the Boy Scouts of America continue to discriminate on the basis of religious belief and sexual orientation. The case is still ongoing, against the federal defendants.

John Scalise and his son, Benjamin, filed suit alleging the Huron Council of the Boy Scouts violated their religious freedom by requiring an affirmation of belief in God. Scalise and his son are atheists. Scalise also alleged that because Mt. Pleasant Public Schools are partnered with BSA, the district is violating its own nondiscrimination policy.

Oh, yeah, don’t forget those unhealthy cookies…

The Girl Scouts ignored the trans fat issue for many years, refusing to remove the unhealthful oil from their cookies. Now that the whole country is aware of the health dangers of trans fats, the Girl Scouts still doesn’t eliminate the fat from their cookies, even while their food label claims zero grams.

Any idea where the money from cookie sales actually goes? Who owns the Girl Scouts?

On the other side, some feel that the Girl Scouts are unacceptably “politically correct” and implore righteous parents to sign their wee girls up with the “American Heritage Girls” for a welcoming christ-centered scouting organization:

In a recent column for the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, Rick Mercier criticized President Bush for having visited last month’s patriotic Boy Scout Jamboree. “Isn’t there something nightmarish about our misleader swooping down on a steaming pit of sweat and testosterone and whipping a throng of brown-shirted youths into a nationalistic frenzy?” he asks.

The Philadelphia Daily News compared the Boy Scouts to the Taliban in 2003, and it isn’t difficult to find websites that liken the Scouts to the Ku Klux Klan.

While all this is going on, the Girl Scouts are quietly immune from these sorts of attacks. And the reason – one that many Americans have yet to realize – is very simple: the Girl Scouts are the epitome of institutional political correctness.

Next month, the Girl Scouts USA national convention will be held in Atlanta. It will be a gathering of radical feminists, lesbians, and cookie peddlers with an agenda far removed from the classical image of Girl Scouting and from many local Girl Scout troops. (spokesman for the Scouting Legal Defense Fund)

American Heritage Girls

Originally uploaded by YeOleImposter.

For those to whom the Girl Scouts are insufficiently devotional or submission-oriented, for those who deem the Girl Scouts to be a haven for anti-abortion freaks, for those who want to recombine church and patriotism outside the cumbersome settings of U.S. law, meet the American Heritage Girls – they charter with churches. American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered scouting ministry “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.”

“I promise to love God,
Cherish my family,
Honor my country,
and Serve in my community.”

Meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, recitation of the AHG oath and creed, prayer, and devotions.

The following Statement of Faith applies to all American Heritage Girls Charter Organizations, Adult Members and Adult Leaders.

We believe that there is One Triune God – Father, Jesus Christ His one and only Son, and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old/New Testament) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshipping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit who enables us to live a Godly life. We believe that each individual is called to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength; and to love their neighbors as themselves. We believe that each individual is called to live a life of purity, service, stewardship and integrity.

Clarity is further provided to the following terms:

Purity – An AHG member is called to live a life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; marriage being a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.

Service – An AHG member is called to become a responsible member of their community and the world through selfless acts, which contribute to the welfare of others.

Stewardship – An AHG member is called to use their God given time, talents and money wisely.

Integrity – An AHG member is called to live a moral life, demonstrating the inward motivation to do what is right, regardless of the cost.


I’m really, really glad that Ben has no interest whatsoever in any uniforms (besides those of superheroes). We don’t need any more Pseudochristian Youth (Everyone knows… get ’em while they’re young).