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Tag: trees



Our wealthy neighbors are developing some of their acres of property. The plans seemed ok – three houses instead of 20.

We thought there would be a buffer zone, since the first house is back a bit, and away from ours. We live in at the edge of a forest, full of huge southern oaks and pines and some azaleas and really way too much poison oak.

Well, the bulldozers came in. From the driveway/road back about 15 feet or so, and extending to the property line, everything is gone. I saw – and heard – and felt – a huge tree go down.

My neighbor on the other side had come out to see, too. We looked at each other. So… my hubby joined us and all three went to try to talk to them to see what was going on, if plans had changed or what.

Well, it turns out that this massive destruction was all stipulated by the county because they’ll have to put in a road big enough for a firetruck to enter – everything has to be cleared back from the driveway for the road construction.

The view is a lot different now. Sigh.

Last night and today there was a lot of activity in our back yard. I’ve seen a raccoon, an opossum, three times more chipmunks and squirrels, and a lot more birds of all kinds. They were racing around looking agitated. Can’t say I blame them. I put out some food.

We got a visit from the (sacred) falcon that visits from time to time; usually he roosts and looks at us. Sometimes he meets another. This time he flew from tree to tree. In a way, it was great to see his beautiful caramel and charcoal wings, but again – he seemed agitated, restless.

What I didn’t hear were the mated owls. I hope they weren’t scared off. I think there might have been a rabbit den over there, too.

I’m a little nervous about the upcoming dynamiting that is planned. It’s supposed to be very exact, with minimal damage. I guess I’ll find out if there are any sinkholes on our property…