Crawford Vigil Goes On
Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, traveled to Crawford, Texas with hundreds of anti-war activists to confront President Bush at his Crawford ranch. Sheehan wants to ask Bush, “Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?” and demand a speedy withdrawal of troops in Iraq. During their march in the 100 degree heat, the protesters were forced into a ditch teeming with fire ants. Sheehan, who co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace, refuses to leave until the President comes out to speak with her.
She would like President Bush to explain this noble cause to her. “We deserve and expect him to welcome us with answers to as why our loved ones are dead.” On Thursday Rice and Rumsfeld visit the ranch, and Friday is a fundraiser event for the haves and the have mores.
Mr Bush did not know her son’s name when she and her family met him in June 2004. Mr Bush, she said, acted as if he were at a party and behaved disrespectfully towards her by referring to her as “Mom” throughout the meeting.
Her site is at
Daily Kos has lots of information and links to help Cindy Sheehan in Crawford Texas. Join Code Pink in a fast, write letters, send funds, show up and join the protest if you can. Code Pink, Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out are helping, and there is a thread at DU with the latest information.
For more background, see her 2004 interview at Buzzflash, her testimony at the Downing Street Memo hearings, her ad for, and the story according to CNN – as well as some excellent photos of what’s going on at the Lone Star Iconoclast.
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Thanks to Gentle Breezes for the update.