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Tag: VirusHead

Woo-hoo John Edwards!

Woo-hoo John Edwards!

Presidential candidate and all-around fantastic guy John Edwards has joined MyBlogLog, and VirusHead is the very blog community that he has joined! Thank you!

I sure would like to see him win the Presidency.

Download The Plan to Build One America (80 pp., pdf) to see some of the reasons why I am supporting John Edwards.

Here is Edwards’ response to the State of the Union Address last night:

The president tonight renewed his call for an economic recovery plan. But the plan he and Congress have offered leaves out tens of millions of Americans who need help the most. This plan would take months to have any impact, and the people I meet everyday on the campaign trail do not have months to wait. These people are hurting now and need this help now. Over the past seven years, typical workers’ paychecks have failed to keep up with inflation, millions of families are facing the loss of their homes to foreclosures, health insurance premiums have doubled, and families are spending $1,000 more a year on gasoline. The State of the Union may be interesting political theater, but until we find bold solutions to the challenges facing the country, we will be stuck with the same old small, Washington answers.

And in the chamber of the House of Representatives where the president speaks, even though this Congress stopped listening to him a while ago, they will still applaud and cheer him. The truth is that Washington is out of touch with what’s happening across the country. Between now and January of 2009, Democrats must stand up to this president, stand up for what’s right, so he does not continue to forget about the middle class in this country.

Read John’s blog to keep up with the latest on issues and doings.

VirusHead Reviewed by The Radical Blogger

VirusHead Reviewed by The Radical Blogger

The VirusHead blog has been reviewed by The Radical Blogger!

Rating 9.5/10

Site Name: VirusHead

Site URL:

Genre: Blogging

Look and Feel:

Very colorful three column blog using two right sidebars. Very little in the way of header – just the title and a nice meet the author style photo. Very welcoming landing page.


Very well written articles. The content covers a broad range of topics and represents a cross section of the writers private life and their views on the world around them.

Ease of Use:

Fast loading clean look with easy to access and understand sidebars. The content starts from the top in a comfortable color, font and font size. Access to subscription services are well signposted and above the fold.


It is hard to find any areas of criticism on this site. The criticisms I do have are only minor – more in the nature of tweaking. The subscription services and the join me sections may look a little better if the icons were centered. The only other criticism I have is with the header and I am really in two minds here. I like the clean look that the page provides. Load it up and everything is there. However I feel that I am starting on page two, not on the front page, Perhaps taking the top one inch, where the title and photo are and converting them into a header with the green background may work. I just feel that something is missing from the top.


This is a very attractive and easy to read site with very well written material. I feel like an intruder reading the top article as it is an obituary dedicated to the writer’s father. A very touching and compelling read. The rest of content is also a great read. I highly recommend this site. Rating 9.5/10

review of VirusHead

I’ll be working on incorporating this feedback on some of the design issues. I prefer not to have an across-the-top banner image, but there are other ways to address that concern. As a poet, I tend to condense everything; there probably needs to be a little more white space, what my hubby calls “airing it out.” I’m trying to balance these sorts of design issues with the fact that I really want to focus attention on the post itself (never mind the pretties, start reading).

One thing I want to adjust in the stylesheet is the way that links are handled in the sidebars. I’ve been meaning to do that for about a month (smile).

Please comment if you have additional suggestions!

Link Love Wild Card

Link Love Wild Card

Aaron Cook Dot Com named me for the Link Love Wild Card yesterday.

He picked me at random (but how?)

This is where I randomly pick a blog and “hand” out some link love. And since it’s totally at random, it’ll most likely be a blog I’ve not come across before.

So let’s deal the cards, shall we? This week’s Link Love Wild Card is:

VirusHead – VirusHead is a blog written by Dr. Heidi (a.k.a. VirusHead). According to her about section, VirusHead is a blog where, “a humanities Ph.D. posts on viral themes, politics, religion, culture, and daily life.”

Though I’ve not yet had the time to thoroughly explore Heidi’s blog (as the Link Love Wild Card is chosen totally at random), VirusHead looks to be a pretty interesting place. In fact, and as far as I’m concerned, any blog that uses the description, “Mutating bits of contagious discourse, because language is a virus,” must be, at the very least, interesting!

So be sure to drop by Heidi’s blog and say hello!

Yeah, so, not one person has dropped by from that post yet (pout).

VirusHead is Totally Fabulous

VirusHead is Totally Fabulous

I’m totally fabulous, and I’ve got the proof.

Beverly at Makanani gave me the “I’m Fabulous” award.

Totally Fabulous Blogger Award - VirusHead

And to these fabulous women I pass on the honor, because they never fail to make my day and I think they’re all amazing women.

Thank you so much! I am very honored, and despite my words below (which you probably shouldn’t read) I know exactly what you mean and I love you dearly. (Happy Birthday!)

I have some ideas about why my friend (“LoveBevvy” – hugs) might think I’m fabulous, but totally fabulous? I’m not sure.

I don’t think anyone has thought of me as just plain fabulous before, never mind totally so. Fab, yes – maybe. Fabulous, not so much – no.

Honestly, I’m not sure who I could feel totally comfortable with naming as my totally fabulous choices. I’m not even sure I could say “totally fabulous” without laughing. It would have to be in a kind of performative way, like I might say “it’s like BUD-da (butter).”

But no. I’m just not someone who could credibly use that phrase.

I also don’t which of my admired bloggers would be completely ok about being named as my choices for “totally fabulous.” It might be all right, and then again it might not. It depends on their own personal associations, history, and coolness factor.

I myself have noticed that this President uses the word “fabulous” more often than other Presidents did. I’m just saying.

So how about this… If you know that I like you, and also that I like your blog, and you are completely all right with the idea of being known as “totally fabulous,” then just consider yourself a recipient and save the graphic. Feel free, really – I’ll back you up.

And now for a word from the sponsor: The Totally Fabulous Award for Bloggers was created by Christy from Christy’s Coffee Break and Ann from A Nice Place in the Sun. The graphic was designed by Mike Wheeler.

Hope you guys get lots of traffic.

VirusHead is a Break Out Blogger

VirusHead is a Break Out Blogger

I was checking my stats this morning and discovered that I had been granted an award by Lin at Telling it Like it Is.

The Break Out Blogger award was developed by Bob of Bobbarama:

This award casts a spotlight on bloggers who are just beginning to draw lots of attention — the equivalent of a song with a bullet on Billboard’s Top 100 chart. Lotsa good posts. Lotsa good buzz. These bloggers are going places in a hurry.

Thank you so much, Lin!

I will now pass on this award to Heidi at VirusHead for all her hard work, Phillip at Your Relevant, and Rocky at Blogging Mix. All three of you work very hard and it shows.

The two other blogs are worth a visit (or three…).

Here are three blogs that I think deserve this award: