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Tag: war on science

Voice Opposition to the Creation Museum

Voice Opposition to the Creation Museum

This Memorial Day weekend, the religious right will take a bold new step in their campaign against science education in America. The creationist organization, Answers in Genesis (AiG), will open their $27 million “Creation Museum” in Petersburg, Kentucky, dedicated to promoting the falsehood that science supports the notion of a 6,000 year old Earth.

The Campaign to Defend the Constitution (DefCon) calls on all educators and concerned citizens to take a stand against this latest attack on science education.

Voice your opposition to the “Creation Museum” as a concerned citizen.

If you are an educator at any level – teachers, professors and administrators – please also sign the educator’s petition against the religious right’s campaign of ignorance

As concerned Americans, we join together to express our opposition to the “Creation Museum,” an institution built by Answers in Genesis (AiG) and designed to promote the falsehood that science supports the notion of a 6,000 year old Earth.

This institution is only the most recent example of the religious right’s war on science education – whether in the form of anti-evolution stickers in textbooks or the promotion of intelligent design in the classroom.

As Americans, we support our fellow citizens’ freedoms of religion and speech, and as a private institution, AiG is free to deny the overwhelming evidence resulting from hundreds of years of scientific work.

We, however, oppose this nefarious campaign to institutionalize a lie. We urge AiG to cease their war on science and we call on educators, media, and citizens to exercise critical thinking and their own right and responsibility of free speech, and oppose AiG’s false claims wherever they are promoted.