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Tag: wretched



I spent much of the last thirty hours or so in a state of utter wretchedness. And retching. And intensified misery thinking of W. And retching. And wretched.

I don’t know whether it was food poisoning, or a virus, or what.

Even worst than the nausea and vomiting was the horrible alternation between the sweats and the shivers. I would just about start to get warm and then I would be soaking the sheets. Then I’d fling off the sheets and I would just about start to cool off and I would get clammy and start shivering. It felt like whatever it was would take any opportunity that it could for a quick exit out of my body – up, down, out – whatever. I took a hot shower at 3:30 am trying to feel better, and very nearly passed out.

The back of my throat was burning. Any attempt at even a sip of water was punished severely.

Finally, a few sips of ice-cold coke stayed down (it has very nice anti-nausea qualities if you stir out the carbonation). Oh, that felt like heaven. A few hours later, some diluted Gatorade. By last night, I was woozy and weak, but not sweating or shivering. It’s mostly done, at least now I can regulate my body temperature. Today, my neck hurts and I still have that light free-floating nausea but I think I’ll be ok.

I was really wondering if I should get medical help, but I hardly ever bother with that anymore. By the time all the driving and waiting is done, it’s not worth the basic advice and possible diagnosis/remedy; I would have been better off staying home. This time, it would really have been too much to even try to see my doctor.

Whatever it is seems to be on the tail end (double entendre alert) of resolving itself.
